Critical properties of quantum three- and four-state Potts models with boundaries polarized along the transverse field

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga

| First 5 Authors: Natalia Chepiga, , , ,

| Summary:

By computing the low-lying energy excitation spectra with the density matrix
renormalization group algorithm we confirm the boundary conformal field theory
predictions for the three-state Potts minimal model in 1+1D with boundaries
polarized in the direction of the transverse field. We further show that the
transverse-polarized boundary conditions lead to scale-invariant conformal
towers of states at the critical point of the quantum four-state Potts model –
a special symmetric case of the Ashkin-Teller model. Finally, we
phenomenologically establish the duality between fixed and free, and between
transverse-polarized and three-state-mixed boundary conditions at the
four-state Potts critical point.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Natalia Chepiga”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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