Resolution-Adaptive All-Digital Spatial Equalization for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Oscar Castañeda, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Shahaboddin Ghajari, Alyosha Molnar, Sven Jacobsson | Summary: All-digital basestation (BS) architectures for millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO), which equip each radio-frequency chain with dedicated data converters, have advantages in spectral efficiency, flexibility, and baseband-processing simplicity over hybrid analog-digital solutions. […]

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Resolution-Adaptive All-Digital Spatial Equalization for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Oscar Castañeda, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Shahaboddin Ghajari, Alyosha Molnar, Sven Jacobsson | Summary: All-digital basestation (BS) architectures for millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO), which equip each radio-frequency chain with dedicated data converters, have advantages in spectral efficiency, flexibility, and baseband-processing simplicity over hybrid analog-digital solutions. […]

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Inhibited nonradiative decay at all exciton densities in monolayer semiconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Ali Javey | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: Most optoelectronic devices operate at high photocarrier densities, where all semiconductors suffer from enhanced nonradiative recombination. Nonradiative processes proportionately reduce photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield (QY), a performance metric that directly dictates the maximum device efficiency. Although transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers exhibit […]

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Inhibited nonradiative decay at all exciton densities in monolayer semiconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Ali Javey | First 5 Authors: Hyungjin Kim, Shiekh Zia Uddin, Naoki Higashitarumizu, Eran Rabani, Ali Javey | Summary: Most optoelectronic devices operate at high photocarrier densities, where all semiconductors suffer from enhanced nonradiative recombination. Nonradiative processes proportionately reduce photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield (QY), a performance metric that directly dictates the maximum device […]

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Comprehensive Broadband X-ray and Multiwavelength Study of Active Galactic Nuclei in Local 57 Ultra/luminous Infrared Galaxies Observed with NuSTAR and/or Swift/BAT

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Satoshi Yamada, Yoshihiro Ueda, Atsushi Tanimoto, Masatoshi Imanishi, Yoshiki Toba | Summary: We perform a systematic X-ray spectroscopic analysis of 57 local ultra/luminous infrared galaxy systems (containing 84 individual galaxies) observed with Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array and/or Swift/BAT. Combining soft X-ray data obtained with Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku […]

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Quantifying Variability of YSOs in the Mid-IR Over Six Years with NEOWISE

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Wooseok Park, Jeong-Eun Lee, Carlos Contreras Peña, Doug Johnstone, Gregory Herczeg | Summary: Variability in young stellar objects (YSOs) can be caused by various time-dependent phenomena associated with star formation, including accretion rates, geometric changes in the circumstellar disks, stochastic hydromagnetic interactions between stellar surfaces and inner […]

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The JCMT Transient Survey: Four Year Summary of Monitoring the Submillimeter Variability of Protostars

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Yong-Hee Lee, Doug Johnstone, Jeong-Eun Lee, Gregory Herczeg, Steve Mairs | Summary: We present the four-year survey results of monthly submillimeter monitoring of eight nearby ($< 500 $pc) star-forming regions by the JCMT Transient Survey. We apply the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram technique to search for and characterize variability […]

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Thermodynamics of light management in near-field thermophotovoltaics

Kavli Affiliate: Eli Yablonovitch | First 5 Authors: Georgia T. Papadakis, Meir Orenstein, Eli Yablonovitch, Shanhui Fan, | Summary: We evaluate near-field thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion systems focusing in particular on their open-circuit voltage (Voc). Unlike previous analyses based largely on numerical simulations with fluctuational electrodynamics, here, we develop an analytic model that captures the […]

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Planets Across Space and Time (PAST). II: Catalog and Analyses of the LAMOST-Gaia-Kepler Stellar Kinematic Properties

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Di-Chang Chen, Jia-Yi Yang, Ji-Wei Xie, Ji-Lin Zhou, Subo Dong | Summary: The Kepler telescope has discovered over 4,000 planets (candidates) by searching ? 200,000 stars over a wide range of distance (order of kpc) in our Galaxy. Characterizing the kinematic properties (e.g., Galactic component membership and […]

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