Event Horizon Telescope observations of the jet launching and collimation in Centaurus A

Kavli Affiliate: Thomas M. Crawford | First 5 Authors: Michael Janssen, Heino Falcke, Matthias Kadler, Eduardo Ros, Maciek Wielgus | Summary: Very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of active galactic nuclei at millimeter wavelengths have the power to reveal the launching and initial collimation region of extragalactic radio jets, down to $10-100$ gravitational radii ($r_g=GM/c^2$) scales in […]

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Nonlinear noise regression in gravitational-wave detectors with convolutional neural networks

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Hang Yu, Rana X. Adhikari, , , | Summary: Currently, the sub-60 Hz sensitivity of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors like Advanced LIGO is limited by the control noises from auxiliary degrees of freedom, which nonlinearly couple to the main GW readout. One particularly promising way to tackle […]

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The Paschen Jump as a Diagnostic of the Diffuse Nebular Continuum Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Hengxiao Guo, Aaron J. Barth, Kirk T. Korista, Michael R. Goad, Edward M. Cackett | Summary: Photoionization modeling of active galactic nuclei (AGN) predicts that diffuse continuum (DC) emission from the broad-line region makes a substantial contribution to the total continuum emission from ultraviolet through near-infrared […]

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Amplified J-factors in the Galactic Center for velocity-dependent darkmatter annihilation in FIRE simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Lina Necib | First 5 Authors: Daniel McKeown, James S. Bullock, Francisco J. Mercado, Zachary Hafen, Michael Boylan-Kolchin | Summary: We use FIRE-2 zoom cosmological simulations of Milky Way size galaxy halos to calculate astrophysical J-factors for dark matter annihilation and indirect detection studies. In addition to velocity-independent (s-wave) annihilation cross sections $sigma_v$, […]

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Optimal trade-off control in machine learning-based library design, with application to adeno-associated virus (AAV) for gene therapy

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: DANQING ZHU, David H Brookes, Akosua Busia, Ana Carneiro, Clara Fannjiang, Galina Popova, David Shin, Edward F Chang, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, Jennifer Listgarten and David V Schaffer | Summary: Abstract Adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) hold tremendous promise as delivery vectors for clinical gene therapy, but they need improvement. AAVs with […]

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Scalable synthesis of 2D van der Waals superlattices

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Michael J. Motala, Xiang Zhang, Pawan Kumar, Eliezer F. Oliveira, Anna Benton | Summary: Heterostructure materials form the basis of much of modern electronics, from transistors to lasers and light-emitting diodes. Recent years have seen a renewed focus on creating heterostructures through the vertical integration of two-dimensional […]

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Moderate and $L^p$ maximal inequalities for diffusion processes and conformal martingales

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Xian Chen, Yong Chen, Mumien Cheng, Chen Jia, | Summary: The $L^p$ maximal inequalities for martingales are one of the classical results in the theory of stochastic processes. Here we establish the sharp moderate maximal inequalities for one-dimensional diffusion processes, which include the $L^p$ maximal inequalities as […]

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Supernova-driven turbulent metal mixing in high redshift galactic disks: metallicity fluctuations in the interstellar medium and its imprints on metal poor stars in the Milky Way

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Anne Noer Kolborg, Davide Martizzi, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Hugo Pfister, Charli Sakari | Summary: The extent to which turbulence mixes gas in the face of recurrent infusions of fresh metals by supernovae (SNe) could help provide important constraints on the local star formation conditions. This includes predictions […]

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K2-79b and K2-222b: Mass measurements of two small exoplanets with periods beyond 10 days that overlap with periodic magnetic activity signals

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Chantanelle Nava, Mercedes López-Morales, Annelies Mortier, Li Zeng, Helen A. C. Giles | Summary: We present mass and radius measurements of K2-79b and K2-222b, two transiting exoplanets orbiting active G-type stars. Their respective 10.99d and 15.39d orbital periods fall near periods of signals induced by stellar magnetic […]

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