Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory Detailed Science Case 2024

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Warren Skidmore, Bob Kirshner, David Andersen, Gelys Trancho, Scot Kleinman | Summary: The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) International Observatory (TIO) will be a revolutionary leap forward in astronomical observing capabilities, enabling us to address some of the most profound questions about the universe. From unraveling the mysteries […]

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Optimizing a Dynamical Decoupling Protocol for Solid-State Electronic Spin Ensembles in Diamond

Kavli Affiliate: Viatcheslav V. Dobrovitski | First 5 Authors: Demitry Farfurnik, Andrey Jarmola, Linh M. Pham, Zhi-Hui Wang, Viatcheslav V. Dobrovitski | Summary: We demonstrate significant improvements of the spin coherence time of a dense ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond through optimized dynamical decoupling (DD). Cooling the sample down to $77$ K suppresses […]

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Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory

Kavli Affiliate: Larry Coldren | First 5 Authors: Morten P. Bakker, Thomas Ruytenberg, Wolfgang Loffler, Ajit V. Barve, Larry Coldren | Summary: In an oxide apertured quantum dot (QD) micropillar cavity-QED system, we found strong QD hysteresis effects and lineshape modifications even at very low intensities corresponding to less than 0.001 intracavity photons. We attribute […]

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