Exact moments for a run and tumble particle in a harmonic trap with a finite tumble time

Kavli Affiliate: Rudolf Podgornik | First 5 Authors: Aoran Sun, Fangfu Ye, Rudolf Podgornik, , | Summary: We study the problem of a run and tumble particle in a harmonic trap, with a finite run and tumble time, by a direct integration of the equation of motion. An exact 1D steady state distribution, diagram laws […]

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Correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Zhe-fei Yu, Cheng Peng, , , | Summary: In this work, we calculate correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$ with pure NS-NS flux. We first construct physical vertex operators that correspond to long strings. Due to the GSO projection, they depend on the parity of the spectral […]

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Correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Zhe-fei Yu, Cheng Peng, , , | Summary: In this work, we calculate correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$ with pure NS-NS flux. We first construct physical vertex operators that correspond to long strings. Due to the GSO projection, they depend on the parity of the spectral […]

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Correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Zhe-fei Yu, Cheng Peng, , , | Summary: In this work, we calculate correlators of long strings on AdS$_3times$S$^3times$T$^4$ with pure NS-NS flux. We first construct physical vertex operators that correspond to long strings. Due to the GSO projection, they depend on the parity of the spectral […]

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The complexity of classifying continuous t-norms up to isomorphism

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Jialiang He, Lili Shen, Yi Zhou, , | Summary: It is shown that the isomorphism relation between continuous t-norms is Borel bireducible with the relation of order isomorphism between linear orders on the set of natural numbers, and therefore, it is Borel bireducible with every Borel complete […]

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Spin Excitation Continuum in the Exactly Solvable Triangular-Lattice Spin Liquid CeMgAl11O19

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Bin Gao, Tong Chen, Chunxiao Liu, Mason L. Klemm, Shu Zhang | Summary: In magnetically ordered insulators, elementary quasiparticles manifest as spin waves – collective motions of localized magnetic moments propagating through the lattice – observed via inelastic neutron scattering. In effective spin-1/2 systems where geometric frustrations […]

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Drone-assisted Road Gaussian Splatting with Cross-view Uncertainty

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Saining Zhang, Baijun Ye, Xiaoxue Chen, Yuantao Chen, Zongzheng Zhang | Summary: Robust and realistic rendering for large-scale road scenes is essential in autonomous driving simulation. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) has made groundbreaking progress in neural rendering, but the general fidelity of large-scale road scene renderings […]

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Controlling assembly and oscillations of elastic membranes with an active fluid

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Bowick | First 5 Authors: John Berezney, Sattvic Ray, Itamar Kolvin, Mark Bowick, Seth Fraden | Summary: We use the chaotic flows generated by a microtubule-based active fluid to assemble self-binding actin filaments into a thin elastic sheets. Starting from a uniformly dispersed state, active flows drive the motion of actin filaments, […]

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Cross-sectional imaging of speed-of-sound distribution using photoacoustic reversal beacons

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Yang Wang, Danni Wang, Liting Zhong, Yi Zhou, Qing Wang | Summary: Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) enables non-invasive cross-sectional imaging of biological tissues, but it fails to map the spatial variation of speed-of-sound (SOS) within tissues. While SOS is intimately linked to density and elastic modulus of tissues, […]

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$boldsymbol{Steiner}$-Hardness: A Query Hardness Measure for Graph-Based ANN Indexes

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Zeyu Wang, Qitong Wang, Xiaoxing Cheng, Peng Wang, Themis Palpanas | Summary: Graph-based indexes have been widely employed to accelerate approximate similarity search of high-dimensional vectors. However, the performance of graph indexes to answer different queries varies vastly, leading to an unstable quality of service for downstream […]

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