“Worst-Case” Micro-Lensing in the Identification and Modeling of Lensed Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Schechter | First 5 Authors: Luke Weisenbach, Paul Schechter, Sahil Pontula, , | Summary: Although micro-lensing of macro-lensed quasars and supernovae provides unique opportunities for several kinds of investigations, it can add unwanted and sometimes substantial noise. While micro-lensing flux anomalies may be safely ignored for some observations, they severely limit others. […]

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“Worst-Case” Micro-Lensing in the Identification and Modeling of Lensed Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Schechter | First 5 Authors: Luke Weisenbach, Paul Schechter, Sahil Pontula, , | Summary: Although micro-lensing of macro-lensed quasars and supernovae provides unique opportunities for several kinds of investigations, it can add unwanted and sometimes substantial noise. While micro-lensing flux anomalies may be safely ignored for some observations, they severely limit others. […]

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TIC 172900988: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet Detected in One Sector of TESS Data

Kavli Affiliate: Gabor Furesz | First 5 Authors: Veselin B. Kostov, Brian P. Powell, Jerome A. Orosz, William F. Welsh, William Cochran | Summary: We report the first discovery of a transiting circumbinary planet detected from a single sector of TESS data. During Sector 21, the planet TIC 172900988b transited the primary star and then […]

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Revisiting CMB constraints on dark matter annihilation

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Hiromasa Nakatsuka, Kazunori Nakayama, Toyokazu Sekiguchi, | Summary: The precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum put a strong constraint on the dark matter annihilation cross section since the electromagnetic energy injection by the dark matter annihilation affects the ionization history of the […]

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TOI-1231 b: A Temperate, Neptune-Sized Planet Transiting the Nearby M3 Dwarf NLTT 24399

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher J. Burke | First 5 Authors: Jennifer A. Burt, Diana Dragomir, Paul Mollière, Allison Youngblood, Antonio García Muñoz | Summary: We report the discovery of a transiting, temperate, Neptune-sized exoplanet orbiting the nearby ($d$ = 27.5 pc), M3V star TOI-1231 (NLTT 24399, L 248-27, 2MASS J10265947-5228099). The planet was detected using photometric […]

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Joint Optimization of Hadamard Sensing and Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing Fluorescence Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Chris Xu | First 5 Authors: Alan Q. Wang, Aaron K. LaViolette, Leo Moon, Chris Xu, Mert R. Sabuncu | Summary: Compressed sensing fluorescence microscopy (CS-FM) proposes a scheme whereby less measurements are collected during sensing and reconstruction is performed to recover the image. Much work has gone into optimizing the sensing and […]

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On the Existence of the Plateau Emission in High-Energy Gamma-Ray Burst LightCurves observed byFermi-LAT

Kavli Affiliate: Nicola Omodei | First 5 Authors: Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Nicola Omodei, Gokul . P. Srinivasaragavan, Giacomo Vianello, Richard Willingale | Summary: The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) shows long-lasting high-energy emission in many gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), similar to X-ray afterglows observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift […]

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Energy conversion from heat to electricity by highly reversible phase-transforming ferroelectrics

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Chenbo Zhang, Zhuohui Zeng, Zeyuan Zhu, Nobumichi Tamura, Xian Chen | Summary: Searching for performant multiferroic materials attracts general research interests in energy science as they have been increasingly exploited as the conversion media among thermal, electric, magnetic and mechanical energies by using their temperature-dependent ferroic properties. […]

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AlgoSCR: An algorithm for Solar Contamination Removal from radio interferometric data

Kavli Affiliate: Albert Stebbins | First 5 Authors: Anh Phan, Santanu Das, Albert Stebbins, Peter Timbie, Reza Ansari | Summary: Hydrogen intensity mapping is a new field in astronomy that promises to make three-dimensional maps of the matter distribution of the Universe using the redshifted $21,textrm{cm}$ line of neutral hydrogen gas (HI). Several ongoing and […]

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