Structural Origins of Cartilage Shear Mechanics

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Thomas Wyse Jackson, Jonathan Michel, Pancy Lwin, Lisa A. Fortier, Moumita Das | Summary: Healthy cartilage is a remarkable tissue, able to withstand tens of millions of loading cycles with minimal damage. While much is known about the structural origins of its compressive mechanics, how composition determines […]

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Nickelate superconductivity without rare-earth magnetism: (La,Sr)NiO$_{2}$

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Motoki Osada, Bai Yang Wang, Berit H. Goodge, Shannon P. Harvey, Kyuho Lee | Summary: The observation of superconductivity in infinite layer nickelate (Nd,Sr)NiO$_{2}$ thin films has led to rapid theoretical and experimental investigations of these copper-oxide-analogue systems [1-15]. Superconductivity has also been found in (Pr,Sr)NiO$_{2}$ […]

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Entanglement Domain Walls in Monitored Quantum Circuits and the Directed Polymer in a Random Environment

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Sagar Vijay, Matthew P. A. Fisher, , | Summary: Monitored quantum dynamics reveal quantum state trajectories which exhibit a rich phenomenology of entanglement structures, including a transition from a weakly-monitored volume law entangled phase to a strongly-monitored area law phase. For one-dimensional hybrid […]

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Using Biological Constraints to Improve Prediction in Precision Oncology

Kavli Affiliate: Donald Geman, Laurent Younes | Authors: Mohamed Omar, Wikum Dinalankara, Lotte Mulder, Tendai Coady, Claudio Zanettini, Eddie Luidy Imada, Laurent Younes, Donald Geman and Luigi Marchionni | Summary: Abstract Many gene signatures have been developed by applying machine learning (ML) on omics profiles, however, their clinical utility is often hindered by limited interpretability […]

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Renormalization and non-renormalization of scalar EFTs at higher orders

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Melia | First 5 Authors: Weiguang Cao, Franz Herzog, Tom Melia, Jasper Roosmale Nepveu, | Summary: We renormalize massless scalar effective field theories (EFTs) to higher loop orders and higher orders in the EFT expansion. To facilitate EFT calculations with the R* renormalization method, we construct suitable operator bases using Hilbert series […]

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Renormalization and non-renormalization of scalar EFTs at higher orders

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Melia | First 5 Authors: Weiguang Cao, Franz Herzog, Tom Melia, Jasper Roosmale Nepveu, | Summary: We renormalize massless scalar effective field theories (EFTs) to higher loop orders and higher orders in the EFT expansion. To facilitate EFT calculations with the R* renormalization method, we construct suitable operator bases using Hilbert series […]

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Evolution of high-redshift quasar hosts and promotion of massive black hole seed formation

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Wenxiu Li, Kohei Inayoshi, Yu Qiu, , | Summary: High-redshift luminous quasars powered by accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs) with mass $gtrsim 10^9 M_odot$ constrain their formation pathways. We investigate the formation of heavy seeds of SMBHs through gas collapse in the quasar host progenitors, using merger […]

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TIC 454140642: A Compact, Coplanar, Quadruple-lined Quadruple Star System Consisting of Two Eclipsing Binaries

Kavli Affiliate: Saul A. Rappaport | First 5 Authors: Veselin B. Kostov, Brian P. Powell, Guillermo Torres, Tamas Borkovits, Saul A. Rappaport | Summary: We report the discovery of a compact, coplanar, quadruply-lined, eclipsing quadruple star system from TESS data, TIC 454140642, also known as TYC 0074-01254-1. The target was first detected in Sector 5 […]

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Beating the Lyth bound by parametric resonance during inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Yi-Fu Cai, Jie Jiang, Misao Sasaki, Valeri Vardanyan, Zihan Zhou | Summary: We propose a novel mechanism for enhancing the primordial gravitational waves without significantly affecting the curvature perturbations produced during inflation. This is achieved due to non-linear sourcing of resonantly amplified scalar field fluctuations. Our result […]

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Improving holographic particle characterization by modeling spherical aberration

Kavli Affiliate: Vinothan Manoharan | First 5 Authors: Caroline Martin, Brian Leahy, Vinothan Manoharan, , | Summary: Holographic microscopy combined with forward modeling and inference allows colloidal particles to be characterized and tracked in three dimensions with high precision. However, current models ignore the effects of optical aberrations on hologram formation. We investigate the effects […]

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