Robust decoding in monitored dynamics of open quantum systems with Z_2 symmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Matthew P. A. Fisher, , , | Summary: We explore a class of "open" quantum circuit models with local decoherence ("noise") and local projective measurements, each respecting a global Z_2 symmetry. The model supports a spin glass phase where the Z_2 symmetry is […]

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Decodable hybrid dynamics of open quantum systems with Z_2 symmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Matthew P. A. Fisher, , , | Summary: We explore a class of "open" quantum circuit models with local decoherence ("noise") and local projective measurements, each respecting a global Z_2 symmetry. The model supports a spin glass phase where the Z_2 symmetry is […]

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Dynamics and Morphology of Cold Gas in Fast, Radiatively Cooling Outflows: Constraining AGN Energetics with Horseshoes

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Yu Qiu, Haojie Hu, Kohei Inayoshi, Luis C. Ho, Tamara Bogdanovic | Summary: Warm ionized and cold neutral outflows with velocities exceeding $100,{rm km,s}^{-1}$ are commonly observed in galaxies and clusters. Theoretical studies however indicate that ram pressure from a hot wind, driven either by the central […]

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Anomaly Detection Based on Generalized Gaussian Distribution approach for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Indoor Positioning System

Kavli Affiliate: Zeeshan Ahmed | First 5 Authors: Fuhu Che, Qasim Zeeshan Ahmed, Faheem A. Khan, Pavlos I. Lazaridis, | Summary: With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), Indoor Positioning System (IPS) has attracted significant interest in academic research. Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is an emerging technology that can be employed for IPS as […]

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Imaging gate-tunable Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids in 1H-MoSe$_2$ mirror twin boundaries

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Tiancong Zhu, Wei Ruan, Yan-Qi Wang, Hsin-Zon Tsai, Shuopei Wang | Summary: One-dimensional electron systems (1DESs) exhibit properties that are fundamentally different from higher-dimensional systems. For example, electron-electron interactions in 1DESs have been predicted to induce Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behavior. Naturally-occurring grain boundaries in single-layer semiconducting transition […]

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A quantum hamiltonian simulation benchmark

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Yulong Dong, K. Birgitta Whaley, Lin Lin, , | Summary: Hamiltonian simulation is one of the most important problems in quantum computation, and quantum singular value transformation (QSVT) is an efficient way to simulate a general class of Hamiltonians. However, the QSVT circuit typically involves multiple ancilla […]

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The Curious Case of ASASSN-20hx: A Slowly-Evolving, UV and X-ray Luminous, Ambiguous Nuclear Transient

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Fausnaugh | First 5 Authors: Jason T. Hinkle, Thomas W. -S. Holoien, Benjamin. J. Shappee, Jack M. M. Neustadt, Katie Auchettl | Summary: We present observations of ASASSN-20hx, a nearby ambiguous nuclear transient (ANT) discovered in NGC 6297 by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). We observed ASASSN-20hx from $-$30 to […]

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