Observation of a Dirac nodal line in AlB2

Kavli Affiliate: Kentaro Hori | First 5 Authors: Daichi Takane, Seigo Souma, Kosuke Nakayama, Takechika Nakamura, Hikaru Oinuma | Summary: We have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of AlB2 which is isostructural to high-temperature superconductor MgB2. Using soft-x-ray photons, we accurately determined the three-dimensional bulk band structure and found a highly anisotropic Dirac-cone band at the […]

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PhyStat-$ν$ 2016 at the IPMU: Summary of Discussions

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Hartz | First 5 Authors: Yoshi Uchida, Mark Hartz, R. Phillip Litchfield, Callum Wilkinson, Asher Kaboth | Summary: The presentations, discussions and findings from the inaugural `PhyStat-$nu$’ workshop held at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) near Tokyo in 2016 are described. PhyStat-$nu$ was the first […]

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Topological Excitations of Hidden Order in URu$_2$Si$_2$ Under Extreme Electric Fields

Kavli Affiliate: Brad Ramshaw | First 5 Authors: Laurel E Winter, Arkady Shekhter, Brad Ramshaw, Ryan E. Baumbach, Eric D. Bauer | Summary: Quantum materials are epitomized by the influence of collective modes upon their macroscopic properties. Relatively few examples exist, however, whereby coherence of the ground-state wavefunction directly contributes to the conductivity. Notable examples […]

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Energy Loss Due to Defect Formation from $^{206}$Pb Recoils in SuperCDMS Germanium Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Brink | First 5 Authors: Robert Agnese, Taylor Aralis, Tsuguo Aramaki, Isaac Arnquist, Elham Azadbakht | Summary: The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment (SuperCDMS) at the Soudan Underground Laboratory studied energy loss associated with Frenkel defect formation in germanium crystals at mK temperatures using in situ $^{210}$Pb sources. We examine the […]

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Energy Loss Due to Defect Formation from $^{206}$Pb Recoils in SuperCDMS Germanium Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Brink | First 5 Authors: Robert Agnese, Taylor Aralis, Tsuguo Aramaki, Isaac Arnquist, Elham Azadbakht | Summary: The Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment (SuperCDMS) at the Soudan Underground Laboratory studied energy loss associated with Frenkel defect formation in germanium crystals at mK temperatures using in situ $^{210}$Pb sources. We examine the […]

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Optomechanical damping as the origin of sideband asymmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Ya M. Blanter | First 5 Authors: J. D. P. Machado, Ya. M. Blanter, , , | Summary: Sideband asymmetry in cavity optomechanics has been explained by particle creation and annihilation processes, which bestow an amplitude proportional to ‘n+1’ and ‘n’ excitations to each of the respective sidebands. We discuss the issues with […]

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Evidence for a Spatially-Modulated Superfluid Phase of $^3$He under Confinement

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak M. Parpia | First 5 Authors: Lev V. Levitin, Ben Yager, Laura Sumner, Brian Cowan, Andrew J. Casey | Summary: In superfluid $^3$He-B confined in a slab geometry, domain walls between regions of different order parameter orientation are predicted to be energetically stable. Formation of the spatially-modulated superfluid stripe phase has been […]

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Pulling the Boundary into the Bulk

Kavli Affiliate: Yasunori Nomura | First 5 Authors: Yasunori Nomura, Pratik Rath, Nico Salzetta, , | Summary: Motivated by the ability to consistently apply the Ryu-Takayanagi prescription for general convex surfaces and the relationship between entanglement and geometry in tensor networks, we introduce a novel, covariant bulk object – the holographic slice. The holographic slice […]

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Statistical analysis of acoustic wave power and flows around solar active regions

Kavli Affiliate: Philip H. Scherrer | First 5 Authors: M. Cristina Rabello-Soares, Richard S. Bogart, Philip H. Scherrer, , | Summary: We analyze the effect of a sunspot in its quiet surroundings applying a helioseismic technique on almost three years of Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) observations obtained during solar cycle 24 to further study […]

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