Validating Synthetic Galaxy Catalogs for Dark Energy Science in the LSST Era

Kavli Affiliate: Lindsey Bleem | First 5 Authors: Eve Kovacs, Yao-Yuan Mao, Michel Aguena, Anita Bahmanyar, Adam Broussard | Summary: Large simulation efforts are required to provide synthetic galaxy catalogs for ongoing and upcoming cosmology surveys. These extragalactic catalogs are being used for many diverse purposes covering a wide range of scientific topics. In order […]

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Numerical Simulations of Convective 3-Dimensional Red Supergiant Envelopes

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: Jared A. Goldberg, Yan-Fei Jiang, Lars Bildsten, , | Summary: We explore the three-dimensional properties of convective, luminous ($Lapprox10^{4.5}-10^{5}L_odot$), Hydrogen-rich envelopes of Red Supergiants (RSGs) based on radiation hydrodynamic simulations in spherical geometry using $texttt{Athena++}$. These computations comprise $approx30%$ of the stellar volume, include gas and radiation […]

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Numerical evidence for a Haagerup conformal field theory

Kavli Affiliate: Yuji Tachikawa | First 5 Authors: Tzu-Chen Huang, Ying-Hsuan Lin, Kantaro Ohmori, Yuji Tachikawa, Masaki Tezuka | Summary: We numerically study an anyon chain based on the Haagerup fusion category, and find evidence that it leads in the long-distance limit to a conformal field theory whose central charge is $sim 2$. Fusion categories […]

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Statistical Mechanics Model for Clifford Random Tensor Networks and Monitored Quantum Circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Yaodong Li, Romain Vasseur, Matthew P. A. Fisher, Andreas W. W. Ludwig, | Summary: We introduce an exact mapping of Clifford (stabilizer) random tensor networks (RTNs) and monitored quantum circuits, onto a statistical mechanics model. With Haar unitaries, the fundamental degrees of freedom (‘spins’) are […]

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HIFlow: Generating Diverse HI Maps Conditioned on Cosmology using Normalizing Flow

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Sultan Hassan, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Benjamin Wandelt, David N. Spergel, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar | Summary: A wealth of cosmological and astrophysical information is expected from many ongoing and upcoming large-scale surveys. It is crucial to prepare for these surveys now and develop tools that can efficiently extract the […]

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{sc HIFlow}: Generating Diverse HI Maps and Inferring Cosmology while Marginalizing over Astrophysics using Normalizing Flows

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Sultan Hassan, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Benjamin Wandelt, David N. Spergel, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar | Summary: A wealth of cosmological and astrophysical information is expected from many ongoing and upcoming large-scale surveys. It is crucial to prepare for these surveys now and develop tools that can efficiently extract most […]

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HIFlow: Generating Diverse HI Maps and Inferring Cosmology while Marginalizing over Astrophysics using Normalizing Flows

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Sultan Hassan, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Benjamin Wandelt, David N. Spergel, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar | Summary: A wealth of cosmological and astrophysical information is expected from many ongoing and upcoming large-scale surveys. It is crucial to prepare for these surveys now and develop tools that can efficiently extract most […]

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Relative Entropy Gradient Sampler for Unnormalized Distributions

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Xingdong Feng, Yuan Gao, Jian Huang, Yuling Jiao, Xu Liu | Summary: We propose a relative entropy gradient sampler (REGS) for sampling from unnormalized distributions. REGS is a particle method that seeks a sequence of simple nonlinear transforms iteratively pushing the initial samples from a reference distribution […]

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Derived categories of Quot schemes of locally free quotients via categorified Hall products

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Yukinobu Toda, , , , | Summary: We prove Qingyuan Jiang’s conjecture on semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of Quot schemes of locally free quotients. The author’s result on categorified Hall products for Grassmannian flips is applied to prove the conjecture. | Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Yukinobu […]

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