Performance of a phonon-mediated detector using KIDs optimized for sub-GeV dark matter

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Osmond Wen, Taylor Aralis, Ritoban Basu Thakur, Bruce Bumble, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: Detection of sub-GeV dark matter candidates requires sub-keV detector thresholds on deposited energy. We provide an update on a gram-scale phonon-mediated KID-based device that was designed for a dark matter search in this mass […]

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Peptide Isomerization is Suppressed at the Air-Water Interface

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Aditya N. Singh, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of alanine dipeptide isomerization at the air-water interface. Thermodynamically, we find an affinity of the dipeptide to the interface. This affinity arises from stablizing intramolecular […]

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Status and Perspectives of Neutrino Physics

Kavli Affiliate: Takaaki Kajita | First 5 Authors: M. Sajjad Athar, Steven W. Barwick, Thomas Brunner, Jun Cao, Mikhail Danilov | Summary: This review demonstrates the unique role of the neutrino by discussing in detail the physics of and with neutrinos. We deal with neutrino sources, neutrino oscillations, absolute masses, interactions, the possible existence of […]

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Status and Perspectives of Neutrino Physics

Kavli Affiliate: Takaaki Kajita | First 5 Authors: M. Sajjad Athar, Steven W. Barwick, Thomas Brunner, Jun Cao, Mikhail Danilov | Summary: This review demonstrates the unique role of the neutrino by discussing in detail the physics of and with neutrinos. We deal with neutrino sources, neutrino oscillations, absolute masses, interactions, the possible existence of […]

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Status and Perspectives of Neutrino Physics

Kavli Affiliate: Kunio Inoue | First 5 Authors: M. Sajjad Athar, Steven W. Barwick, Thomas Brunner, Jun Cao, Mikhail Danilov | Summary: This review demonstrates the unique role of the neutrino by discussing in detail the physics of and with neutrinos. We deal with neutrino sources, neutrino oscillations, absolute masses, interactions, the possible existence of […]

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Inspiraling Corrugation-Induced Quantum Effects on Neutron Star Binary Plane

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jing Wang, , , , | Summary: We use the path-integral formula and investigate some dynamical quantum effects induced by the inspiraling lateral corrugation of orbital plane in gravitationally bound neutron star (NS) binaries, with orbital separation of $10^9$ m. Based on Dewitt’s approach, we calculate the […]

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Near Threshold Heavy Quarkonium Photoproduction at Large Momentum Transfer

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Peng Sun, Xuan-Bo Tong, Feng Yuan, , | Summary: Perturbative QCD is applied to investigate the near threshold heavy quarkonium photoproduction at large momentum transfer. We take into account the contributions from the leading three-quark Fock states of the nucleon. The dominant contribution comes from the three-quark […]

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Dynamics of photosynthetic light harvesting systems interacting with N-photon Fock states

Kavli Affiliate: K. Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Liwen Ko, Robert L. Cook, K. Birgitta Whaley, , | Summary: We develop a method to simulate the excitonic dynamics of realistic photosynthetic light harvesting systems including non-Markovian coupling to phonon degrees of freedom, under excitation by N-photon Fock state pulses. This method combines the input-output […]

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