Norepinephrine enhances oligodendrocyte precursor cell calcium dynamics in the cerebral cortex during arousal

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles | Authors: Tsai-Yi Lu, Priyanka Hanumaihgari, Eric T Hsu, Amit Agarwal and Dwight E Bergles | Summary: Abstract Oligodendrocytes are generated from a widely distributed population of progenitors that express neurotransmitter receptors, but the mechanisms that alter activity of these oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) in vivo have not been determined. We […]

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Single cell transcriptomic profiling of human brain organoids reveals developmental timing- and cell-type-specific vulnerabilities induced by NRXN1 CNVs in schizophrenia

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: ChangHui Pak, Rebecca Sebastian, Kang Jin, Narciso Pavon, Ruby Bansal, Andrew Potter, Yoonjae Song, Juliana Babu, Rafael Gabriel, Yubing Sun and Bruce J Aronow | Summary: Abstract De novo mutations and copy number variations (CNVs) in NRXN1 (2p16.3) pose a significant risk for schizophrenia (SCZ). How NRXN1 CNVs impact […]

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MicroRNA-218 instructs proper assembly of hippocampal networks

Kavli Affiliate: Robert B. Darnell | Authors: Seth Taylor, Mariko Kobayashi, Antonietta Vilella, Durgesh Tiwari, Norjin Zolboot, Andrea Hartzell, Carol Girgiss, Yusuf Abaci, Claudia De Sanctis, Gian Carlo Bellenchi, Robert B Darnell, Christina Gross, Michele Zoli, Darwin K Berg and Giordano Lippi | Summary: ABSTRACT The assembly of the mammalian brain is orchestrated by temporally […]

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Simultaneous bounds on the gravitational dipole radiation and varying gravitational constant from compact binary inspirals

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Ziming Wang, Junjie Zhao, Zihe An, Lijing Shao, Zhoujian Cao | Summary: Compact binaries are an important class of gravitational-wave (GW) sources that can be detected by current and future GW observatories. They provide a testbed for general relativity (GR) in the highly dynamical strong-field regime. Here, […]

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Variability Catalog of Stars Observed During the TESS Prime Mission

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Tara Fetherolf, Joshua Pepper, Emilie Simpson, Stephen R. Kane, Teo Mocnik | Summary: During its 2-year Prime Mission, TESS observed over 232,000 stars at a 2-min cadence across ~70% of the sky. These data provide a record of photometric variability across a range of astrophysically interesting time […]

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Variability Catalog of Stars Observed During the TESS Prime Mission

Kavli Affiliate: Roland Vanderspek | First 5 Authors: Tara Fetherolf, Joshua Pepper, Emilie Simpson, Stephen R. Kane, Teo Mocnik | Summary: During its 2-year Prime Mission, TESS observed over 232,000 stars at a 2-min cadence across ~70% of the sky. These data provide a record of photometric variability across a range of astrophysically interesting time […]

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Measurement-Prepared Quantum Criticality: from Ising model to gauge theory, and beyond

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Jong Yeon Lee, Wenjie Ji, Zhen Bi, Matthew P. A. Fisher, | Summary: Measurements allow efficient preparation of interesting quantum many-body states exhibiting long-range, topological, or fractonic orders. Here, we prove that the so-called conformal quantum critical points (CQCP) can be obtained by performing general […]

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Decoding Measurement-Prepared Quantum Phases and Transitions: from Ising model to gauge theory, and beyond

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher | First 5 Authors: Jong Yeon Lee, Wenjie Ji, Zhen Bi, Matthew P. A. Fisher, | Summary: Measurements allow efficient preparation of interesting quantum many-body states with long-range entanglement, conditioned on additional transformations based on measurement outcomes. Here, we demonstrate that the so-called conformal quantum critical points (CQCP) can […]

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Human anti-ACE2 monoclonal antibodies as pan-sarbecovirus prophylactic agents

Kavli Affiliate: Charles Rice | Authors: Fengwen Zhang, Jesse Jenkins, Renan V.H. de Carvalho, Sandra Nakandakari-Higa, Teresia Chen, Morgan E Abernathy, Elisabeth Nyakatura, David Andrew, Irina V. Lebedeva, Ivo C Lorenz, H.-Heinrich Hoffmann, Charles M. Rice, Gabriel D. Victora, Christopher O. Barnes, Theodora Hatziioannou and Paul D Bieniasz | Summary: Abstract Human monoclonal antibodies from […]

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Morpheus Reveals Distant Disk Galaxy Morphologies with JWST: The First AI/ML Analysis of JWST Images

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Brant E. Robertson, Sandro Tacchella, Benjamin D. Johnson, Ryan Hausen, Adebusola B. Alabi | Summary: The dramatic first images with James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) demonstrated its power to provide unprecedented spatial detail for galaxies in the high-redshift universe. Here, we leverage the resolution and depth of […]

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