Two Modes of LyC Escape From Bursty Star Formation: Implications for [C II] Deficits and the Sources of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Haehnelt | First 5 Authors: Harley Katz, Aayush Saxena, Joki Rosdahl, Taysun Kimm, Jeremy Blaizot | Summary: We use the SPHINX$^{20}$ cosmological radiation hydrodynamics simulation to study how Lyman Continuum (LyC) photons escape from galaxies and the observational signatures of this escape. We define two classes of LyC leaker: Bursty Leakers and […]

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Two Modes of LyC Escape From Bursty Star Formation: Implications for [C II] Deficits and the Sources of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Haehnelt | First 5 Authors: Harley Katz, Aayush Saxena, Joki Rosdahl, Taysun Kimm, Jeremy Blaizot | Summary: We use the SPHINX$^{20}$ cosmological radiation hydrodynamics simulation to study how Lyman Continuum (LyC) photons escape from galaxies and the observational signatures of this escape. We define two classes of LyC leaker: Bursty Leakers and […]

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A new alloy for Al-chalcogen system: AlSe surface alloy on Al (111)

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: En-Ze Shao, Kai Liu, Hao Xie, Kaiqi Geng, Keke Bai | Summary: Metal chalcogenide is a promising material for studying novel underlying physical phenomena and nanoelectronics applications. Here, we systematically investigate the crystal structure and electronic properties of the AlSe surface alloy on Al (111) using scanning […]

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CO($J$=1-0) mapping survey of 64 galaxies in the Fornax cluster with the ALMA Morita array

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Kana Morokuma-Matsui, Kenji Bekki, Jing Wang, Paolo Serra, Yusei Koyama | Summary: We conduct a $^{12}$C$^{16}$O($J$=1-0) (hereafter CO) mapping survey of 64 galaxies in the Fornax cluster using the ALMA Morita array in cycle 5. CO emission is detected from 23 out of the 64 galaxies. Our […]

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A minimal model of solitons in nematic liquid crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Noe Atzin, Ali Mozaffari, Xingzhou Tang, Soumik Das, Nicholas L. Abbott | Summary: Solitons in liquid crystals have generated considerable interest. Several hypotheses of varying complexity have been advanced to explain how they emerge, and a consensus has not emerged yet about the underlying forces responsible […]

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A minimal model of solitons in nematic liquid crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Noe Atzin, Ali Mozaffari, Xingzhou Tang, Soumik Das, Nicholas L. Abbott | Summary: Solitons in liquid crystals have generated considerable interest. Several hypotheses of varying complexity have been advanced to explain how they emerge, and a consensus has not emerged yet about the underlying forces responsible […]

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HP-GMN: Graph Memory Networks for Heterophilous Graphs

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Junjie Xu, Enyan Dai, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang, | Summary: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved great success in various graph problems. However, most GNNs are Message Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs) based on the homophily assumption, where nodes with the same label are connected in graphs. Real-world […]

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BICEP / Keck XVII: Line of Sight Distortion Analysis: Estimates of Gravitational Lensing, Anisotropic Cosmic Birefringence, Patchy Reionization, and Systematic Errors

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: BICEP/Keck Collaboration, :, P. A. R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, M. Amiri | Summary: We present estimates of line-of-sight distortion fields derived from the 95 GHz and 150 GHz data taken by BICEP2, BICEP3, and Keck Array up to the 2018 observing season, leading to cosmological constraints and […]

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High-energy neutrino emission from magnetised jets of rapidly rotating protomagnetars

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Mukul Bhattacharya, Jose Alonso Carpio, Kohta Murase, Shunsaku Horiuchi, | Summary: Relativistic jets originating from protomagnetar central engines can lead to long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and are considered potential sources of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays and secondary neutrinos. We explore the propagation of such jets through a […]

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A dense mini-Neptune orbiting the bright young star HD 18599

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer | First 5 Authors: Jose I. Vines, James S. Jenkins, Zaira Berdiñas, Maritza G. Soto, Matías R. Díaz | Summary: Very little is known about the young planet population because the detection of small planets orbiting young stars is obscured by the effects of stellar activity and fast rotation which mask […]

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