Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter. A Whitepaper

Kavli Affiliate: Noah A. Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Sebastian Baum, Patrick Stengel, Natsue Abe, Javier F. Acevedo, Gabriela R. Araujo | Summary: Minerals are solid state nuclear track detectors – nuclear recoils in a mineral leave latent damage to the crystal structure. Depending on the mineral and its temperature, the damage features are retained […]

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Magnetostriction, piezomagnetism and domain nucleation in a kagome antiferromagnet

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Qingkai Meng, Jianting Dong, Pan Nie, Liangcai Xu, Jinhua Wang | Summary: Whenever the elastic energy of a solid depends on magnetic field, there is a magnetostrictive response. Field-linear magnetostriction implies piezomagnetism and vice versa. Here, we show that Mn$_3$Sn, a non-collinear antiferromanget with Weyl nodes, hosts […]

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Magnetostriction, piezomagnetism and domain nucleation in a kagome antiferromagnet

Kavli Affiliate: Leon Balents | First 5 Authors: Qingkai Meng, Jianting Dong, Pan Nie, Liangcai Xu, Jinhua Wang | Summary: Whenever the elastic energy of a solid depends on magnetic field, there is a magnetostrictive response. Field-linear magnetostriction implies piezomagnetism and vice versa. Here, we show that Mn$_3$Sn, a non-collinear antiferromanget with Weyl nodes, hosts […]

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Grapevine scion gene expression is driven by rootstock and environment interaction

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Wu | Authors: Zachary N Harris, Julia E Pratt, Laszlo G Kovacs, Laura L Klein, Misha T Kwasniewski, Jason P Londo, Angela Wu and Allison J Miller | Summary: BACKGROUND Grafting is a horticultural practice used widely across woody perennial crop species to fuse together the root and shoot system of two […]

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The neural activity of auditory conscious perception

Kavli Affiliate: Hal Blumenfeld | Authors: Kate L. Christison-Lagay, Noah C. Freedman, Christopher Micek, Aya Khalaf, Sharif I. Kronemer, Mariana M. Gusso, Lauren Kim, Sarit Forman, Julia Ding, Mark Aksen, Ahmad Abdel-Aty, Hunki Kwon, Noah Markowitz, Erin Yeagle, Elizabeth Espinal, Jose Herrero, Stephan Bickel, James Young, Ashesh Mehta, Kun Wu, Jason Gerrard, Eyiyemisi Damisah, Dennis […]

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End Binding protein 1 promotes specific motor-cargo association in the cell body prior to axonal delivery of Dense Core Vesicles

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro DeCamilli, Kenneth Miller | Authors: Junhyun Park, Kenneth G. Miller, Pietro De Camilli and Shaul Yogev | Summary: Axonal transport is key to neuronal function. Efficient transport requires specific motor-cargo association in the soma, yet the mechanisms regulating this early step remain poorly understood. We found that EBP-1, the C. elegans ortholog […]

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Bacterial meningitis in the early postnatal mouse studied at single-cell resolution

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremy Nathans | Authors: Jie Wang, Amir Rattner and Jeremy Nathans | Summary: Bacterial meningitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially among infants and the elderly. Here we study mice to assess the response of each of the major meningeal cell types to early postnatal E. coli infection using single […]

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