The double-drift illusion biases the marmoset oculomotor system

Kavli Affiliate: John Reynolds | Authors: Nicholas M Dotson, Zachary W Davis, Jared M Salisbury, Stephanie E Palmer, Patrick Cavanagh and John Reynolds | Summary: Abstract The double-drift illusion has two unique characteristics: the error between the perceived and physical position of the stimulus grows over time, and saccades to the moving target land much […]

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Histone bivalency regulates the timing of cerebellar granule cell development

Kavli Affiliate: Mary E. Hatten, C. David Allis | Authors: Kärt Mätlik, Eve-Ellen Govek, Matthew R. Paul, C. David Allis and Mary E. Hatten | Summary: Abstract Developing neurons undergo a progression of morphological and gene expression changes as they transition from neuronal progenitors to mature, multipolar neurons. Here we use RNA-seq and H3K4me3 and […]

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DESI z >~ 5 Quasar Survey. I. A First Sample of 400 New Quasars at z ~ 4.7-6.6

Kavli Affiliate: Risa Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Ansh Gupta, Adam Myers, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille | Summary: We report the first results of a high-redshift ($z$ >~ 5) quasar survey using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). As a DESI secondary target program, this survey is designed to carry out a systematic […]

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DESI z >~ 5 Quasar Survey. I. A First Sample of 400 New Quasars at z ~ 4.7-6.6

Kavli Affiliate: Risa Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Ansh Gupta, Adam Myers, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille | Summary: We report the first results of a high-redshift ($z$ >~ 5) quasar survey using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). As a DESI secondary target program, this survey is designed to carry out a systematic […]

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Finemap-MiXeR: A variational Bayesian approach for genetic finemapping

Kavli Affiliate: Anders Dale | Authors: Bayram Cevdet Akdeniz, Oleksandr Frei, Alexey Shadrin, Dmitry Vetrov, Dmitry Kropotov, Anders Dale, Eivind Hovig and Ole Andreassen | Summary: Abstract Discoveries from genome-wide association studies often contain large clusters of highly correlated genetic variants, which makes them hard to interpret. In such cases, finemapping the underlying causal variants […]

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Performant web-based interactive visualization tool for spatially-resolved transcriptomics experiments

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Chaichontat Sriworarat, Annie B. Nguyen, Nicholas J. Eagles, Leonardo Collado-Torres, Keri Martinowich, Kristen R. Maynard and Stephanie C. Hicks | Summary: High-resolution and multiplexed imaging techniques are giving us an increasingly detailed observation of a biological system. However, sharing, exploring, and customizing the visualization of large multidimensional images can […]

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Three-dimensional genomic mapping of human pancreatic tissue reveals striking multifocality and genetic heterogeneity in precancerous lesions

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Alicia M Braxton, Ashley L Kiemen, Mia P Grahn, Andre Forjaz, Jaanvi Mahesh Babu, Lily Zheng, Liping Jiang, Haixia Cheng, Qianqian Song, Rebecca Reichel, Sarah Graham, Alexander I Damanakis, Catherine G Fischer, Stephanie Mou, Cameron Metz, Julie Granger, Xiao-Ding Liu, Niklas Bachmann, Cristina Almagro-Perez, Ann Chenyu Jiang, Jeonghyun Yoo, […]

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Nanomechanical absorption spectroscopy of 2D materials with femtowatt sensitivity

Kavli Affiliate: Herre Van Der Zant | First 5 Authors: Jan N. Kirchhof, Yuefeng Yu, Denis Yagodkin, Nele Stetzuhn, Daniel B. de Araújo | Summary: Nanomechanical spectroscopy (NMS) is a recently developed approach to determine optical absorption spectra of nanoscale materials via mechanical measurements. It is based on measuring changes in the resonance frequency of […]

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