Disruption of Epithelium Integrity by Inflammation-Associated Fibroblasts through Prostaglandin Signaling

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Searson | Authors: Yi Dong, Blake A Johns, Linhao Ruan, Maged Zeineldin, Albert Liu, Sumana Raychaudhuri, Ian Chiu, Jin Zhu, Barbara Smith, Nan Zhao, Peter Searson, Shigeki Watanabe, Mark Donowitz, Tatianna Chantelle Larman and Rong Li | Summary: Inflammation-associated fibroblasts (IAFs) are associated with the progression and drug resistance of chronic inflammatory […]

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Realistic non-collinear ground states of solids with source-free exchange correlation functional

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Guy C. Moore, Matthew K. Horton, Aaron D. Kaplan, Sinéad M. Griffin, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: In this work, we extend the source-free (SF) exchange correlation (XC) functional developed by Sangeeta Sharma and co-workers to plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) based on the projector augmented […]

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Realistic non-collinear ground states of solids with source-free exchange correlation functional

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Guy C. Moore, Matthew K. Horton, Aaron D. Kaplan, Sinéad M. Griffin, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: In this work, we extend the source-free (SF) exchange correlation (XC) functional developed by Sangeeta Sharma and co-workers to plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) based on the projector augmented […]

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Elucidating the impact of microstructure on mechanical properties of phase-segregated polyurea: Finite element modeling of molecular dynamics derived microstructures

Kavli Affiliate: Brett P. Fors | First 5 Authors: Steven J. Yang, Stephanie I. Rosenbloom, Brett P. Fors, Meredith N. Silberstein, | Summary: Phase-segregated polyureas (PU) have received considerable interest due to their use as tough, impact-resistant coatings. Polyureas are favored for these applications due to their mechanical strain rate sensitivity and energy dissipation. Predicting […]

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The formation and cosmic evolution of dust in the early Universe. I. Dust sources

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Raffaella Schneider, Roberto Maiolino, , , | Summary: Dust-obscured star formation has dominated the cosmic history of star formation since z = 4. However, the recent finding of significant amount of dust in galaxies out to z = 8 has opened the new frontier of investigating the […]

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The formation and cosmic evolution of dust in the early Universe. I. Dust sources

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Raffaella Schneider, Roberto Maiolino, , , | Summary: Dust-obscured star formation has dominated the cosmic history of star formation since z = 4. However, the recent finding of significant amount of dust in galaxies out to z = 8 has opened the new frontier of investigating the […]

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Open Hardware in Quantum Technology

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Nathan Shammah, Anurag Saha Roy, Carmen G. Almudever, Sébastien Bourdeauducq, Anastasiia Butko | Summary: Quantum technologies such as communications, computing, and sensing offer vast opportunities for advanced research and development. While an open-source ethos currently exists within some quantum technologies, especially in quantum computer programming, we argue […]

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Open Hardware Solutions in Quantum Technology

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Nathan Shammah, Anurag Saha Roy, Carmen G. Almudever, Sébastien Bourdeauducq, Anastasiia Butko | Summary: Quantum technologies such as communications, computing, and sensing offer vast opportunities for advanced research and development. While an open-source ethos currently exists within some quantum technologies, especially in quantum computer programming, we argue […]

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Prospects for detecting neutron star-white dwarf mergers with decihertz gravitational-wave observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Jin-Ping Zhu, Yong Gao, Lijing Shao | Summary: Based on different neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) population models, we investigate the prospects of gravitational-wave (GW) detections for NS-WD mergers, with the help of early warnings from two space-borne decihertz GW observatories, DO-Optimal and DECIGO. […]

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Prospects for detecting neutron star-white dwarf mergers with decihertz gravitational-wave observatories

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Yacheng Kang, Chang Liu, Jin-Ping Zhu, Yong Gao, Lijing Shao | Summary: Based on different neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) population models, we investigate the prospects of gravitational-wave (GW) detections for NS-WD mergers, with the help of early warnings from two space-borne decihertz GW observatories, DO-Optimal and DECIGO. […]

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