Neutrino propagation through Earth: modeling uncertainties using nuPyProp

Kavli Affiliate: Angela V. Olinto | First 5 Authors: Diksha Garg, Mary Hall Reno, Sameer Patel, Alexander Ruestle, Yosui Akaike | Summary: Using the Earth as a neutrino converter, tau neutrino fluxes from astrophysical point sources can be detected by tau-lepton-induced extensive air showers (EASs). Both muon neutrino and tau neutrino induced upward-going EAS signals […]

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Efficient Annotation for Medical Image Analysis: A One-Pass Selective Annotation Approach

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Yuli Wang, Peiyu Duan, Zhangxing Bian, Anqi Feng, Yuan Xue | Summary: Annotating biomedical images for supervised learning is a complex and labor-intensive task due to data diversity and its intricate nature. In this paper, we propose an innovative method, the efficient one-pass selective annotation (EPOSA), that […]

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Efficient Annotation for Medical Image Analysis: A One-Pass Selective Annotation Approach

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Yuli Wang, Peiyu Duan, Zhangxing Bian, Anqi Feng, Yuan Xue | Summary: Annotating biomedical images for supervised learning is a complex and labor-intensive task due to data diversity and its intricate nature. In this paper, we propose an innovative method, the efficient one-pass selective annotation (EPOSA), that […]

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Tuning the Curie temperature of a 2D magnet/topological insulator heterostructure to above room temperature by epitaxial growth

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Wenyi Zhou, Alexander J. Bishop, Xiyue S. Zhang, Katherine Robinson, Igor Lyalin | Summary: Heterostructures of two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnets and topological insulators (TI) are of substantial interest as candidate materials for efficient spin-torque switching, quantum anomalous Hall effect, and chiral spin textures. […]

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Enhancement of gravitational waves at Q-ball decay including non-linear density perturbations

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Kai Murai, , , | Summary: The existence of a stochastic gravitational wave background is indicated by the recent pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments. We study the enhanced production of second-order gravitational waves from the scalar perturbations when the universe experiences a transition from the […]

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Enhancement of gravitational waves at Q-ball decay including non-linear density perturbations

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Kai Murai, , , | Summary: The existence of a stochastic gravitational wave background is indicated by the recent pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments. We study the enhanced production of second-order gravitational waves from the scalar perturbations when the universe experiences a transition from the […]

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Ultra-high density electrodes improve detection, yield, and cell type specificity of brain recordings

Kavli Affiliate: Nathaniel Sawtell, Liam Paninski | Authors: Zhiwen Ye, Andrew M. Shelton, Jordan R. Shaker, Julien Boussard, Jennifer Colonell, Sahar Manavi, Susu Chen, Charlie Windolf, Cole Hurwitz, Tomoyuki Namima, Federico Pedraja, Shahaf Weiss, Bogdan Raducanu, Torbjørn V. Ness, Gaute T. Einevoll, Gilles Laurent, Nathaniel B. Sawtell, Wyeth Bair, Anitha Pasupathy, Carolina Mora Lopez, Barun […]

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Project Aria: A New Tool for Egocentric Multi-Modal AI Research

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Jakob Engel, Kiran Somasundaram, Michael Goesele, Albert Sun, Alexander Gamino | Summary: Egocentric, multi-modal data as available on future augmented reality (AR) devices provides unique challenges and opportunities for machine perception. These future devices will need to be all-day wearable in a socially acceptable form-factor to support […]

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Neuromuscular Basis of Drosophila larval escape behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Elizabeth Hillman | Authors: Patricia C. Cooney, Yuhan Huang, Wenze Li, Dulanjana M. Perera, Richard Hormigo, Tanya Tabachnik, Isuru S. Godage, Elizabeth M.C. Hillman, Wesley B. Grueber and Aref A. Zarin | Summary: When threatened by dangerous or harmful stimuli, animals engage in diverse forms of rapid escape behaviors. In Drosophila larvae, one […]

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Proton’s gluon GPDs at large skewness and gravitational form factors from near threshold heavy quarkonium photo-production

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Yuxun Guo, Xiangdong Ji, Feng Yuan, , | Summary: We study the exclusive near-threshold photo-production of heavy quarkonium in the framework of the generalized parton distribution (GPD) factorization, taking the $J/psi$ production as an example. Due to the threshold kinematics, the Compton-like amplitudes are related to gluon […]

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