Sensory neurons couple arousal and foraging decisions in C. elegans

Kavli Affiliate: Cori Bargmann | Authors: Elias Scheer and Cori Bargmann | Summary: Foraging animals optimize feeding decisions by adjusting both common and rare behavioral patterns. Here, we characterize the relationship between an animal’s arousal state and a rare decision to leave a patch of bacterial food. Using long-term tracking and behavioral state classification, we […]

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A New Mechanism for Primordial Black Hole Formation from QCD Axion

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Shuailiang Ge, Jinhui Guo, Jia Liu, , | Summary: We present a novel mechanism for the primordial black hole (PBH) production within the QCD axion framework. We take the case where the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaks during inflation, resulting in a $N_{rm DW}=1$ string-wall network that re-enters horizon […]

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Gas Clumping in the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters, an Assessment of the Sensitivity of STAR-X

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Christian T. Norseth, Daniel R. Wik, John A. ZuHone, Eric D. Miller, Marshall W. Bautz | Summary: In the outskirts of galaxy clusters, entropy profiles measured from X-ray observations of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) drops off unexpectedly. One possible explanation for this effect is gas clumping, […]

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Gas clumping in the outskirts of galaxy clusters, an assessment of the sensitivity of STAR-X

Kavli Affiliate: Marshall W. Bautz | First 5 Authors: Christian T. Norseth, Daniel R. Wik, John A. ZuHone, Eric D. Miller, Marshall W. Bautz | Summary: In the outskirts of galaxy clusters, entropy profiles measured from X-ray observations of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) drops off unexpectedly. One possible explanation for this effect is gas […]

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Gas clumping in the outskirts of galaxy clusters, an assessment of the sensitivity of STAR-X

Kavli Affiliate: Marshall W. Bautz | First 5 Authors: Christian T. Norseth, Daniel R. Wik, John A. ZuHone, Eric D. Miller, Marshall W. Bautz | Summary: In the outskirts of galaxy clusters, entropy profiles measured from X-ray observations of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) drops off unexpectedly. One possible explanation for this effect is gas […]

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Gas clumping in the outskirts of galaxy clusters, an assessment of the sensitivity of STAR-X

Kavli Affiliate: Marshall W. Bautz | First 5 Authors: Christian T. Norseth, Daniel R. Wik, John A. ZuHone, Eric D. Miller, Marshall W. Bautz | Summary: In the outskirts of galaxy clusters, entropy profiles measured from X-ray observations of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) drops off unexpectedly. One possible explanation for this effect is gas […]

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Four New Compact Triply Eclipsing Triples found with Gaia and TESS

Kavli Affiliate: Saul A. Rappaport | First 5 Authors: Donát R. Czavalinga, Tamás Borkovits, Tibor Mitnyan, Saul A. Rappaport, András Pál | Summary: This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of four triply eclipsing triple star systems, namely TIC 88206187, TIC 14839347, TIC 298714297, and TIC 66893949. The four systems with third-body eclipses were found in […]

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NLTE analysis for Y I and Y II in atmospheres of F-G-K stars

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Sofya Alexeeva, Yu Wang, Gang Zhao, Feng Wang, Yong Wu | Summary: The non-local thermodynamical equilibrium (NLTE) line formation of Y I and Y II is considered in 1D LTE model atmospheres of F-G-K-type stars. The model atom was constructed with the most up-to-date atomic data, including […]

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Steering-induced phase transition in measurement-only quantum circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Dongheng Qian, Jing Wang, , , | Summary: Competing measurements alone can give rise to distinct phases characterized by entanglement entropy$unicode{x2013}$such as the volume law phase, symmetry-breaking (SB) phase, and symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase$unicode{x2013}$that can only be discerned through quantum trajectories, making them challenging to observe experimentally. […]

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Steering-induced phase transition in measurement-only quantum circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Dongheng Qian, Jing Wang, , , | Summary: Competing measurements alone can give rise to distinct phases characterized by entanglement entropy$unicode{x2013}$such as the volume law phase, symmetry-breaking (SB) phase, and symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase$unicode{x2013}$that can only be discerned through quantum trajectories, making them challenging to observe experimentally. […]

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