Observation of Photon Blockade in a Tavis-Cummings System

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Brian Marinelli, Alex H. Rubin, Victoria A. Norman, Santai Yang, Ravi Naik | Summary: We observe blockade of microwave photons in a Tavis-Cummings system comprising a superconducting cavity and up to $N=3$ transmon qubits. The effect is characterized with photon number-resolving spectroscopy using an additional dispersively coupled […]

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A weakly compressible SPH method for RANS simulation of wall-bounded turbulent flows

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Zhongguo Sun, Xiangyu Hu, , | Summary: This paper presents a Weakly Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method for solving the two-equation Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) model. The turbulent wall-bounded flow with or without mild flow separation, a crucial flow pattern in engineering applications, yet rarely […]

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Competition between excitonic insulators and quantum Hall states in correlated electron-hole bilayers

Kavli Affiliate: Michael F. Crommie | First 5 Authors: Ruishi Qi, Qize Li, Zuocheng Zhang, Zhiyuan Cui, Bo Zou | Summary: Excitonic insulators represent a unique quantum phase of matter, providing a rich ground for studying exotic quantum bosonic states. Strongly coupled electron-hole bilayers, which host stable dipolar exciton fluids with an exciton density that […]

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TRIPP: A General Purpose Data Pipeline for Astronomical Image Processing

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Alex Thomas, Natalie LeBaron, Luca Angeleri, Samuel Whitebook, Rachel Darlinger | Summary: We present the TRansient Image Processing Pipeline (TRIPP), a transient and variable source detection pipeline that employs both difference imaging and light curve analysis techniques for astronomical data. Additionally, we demonstrate TRIPP’s rapid analysis capability […]

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Better early than never: A new test for superluminal gravitational wave polarizations

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel E. Holz | First 5 Authors: Kristen Schumacher, Colm Talbot, Daniel E. Holz, Nicolás Yunes, | Summary: In some beyond-Einstein theories of gravity, gravitational waves can contain up to six polarizations, which are allowed to propagate at different speeds faster than light. These different propagation speeds imply that polarizations generated by the […]

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Five-dimensional single-shot fluorescence imaging using a polarized Fourier light-field microscope

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Oumeng Zhang, Changhuei Yang, , , | Summary: Single-shot fluorescence imaging techniques have gained increasing interest in recent years due to their ability to rapidly capture complex biological data without the need for extensive scanning. In this letter, we introduce polarized Fourier light field microscopy (pFLFM), a […]

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CIBER 4th flight fluctuation analysis: Measurements of near-IR auto- and cross-power spectra on arcminute to sub-degree scales

Kavli Affiliate: James J. Bock | First 5 Authors: Richard M. Feder, James J. Bock, Yun-Ting Cheng, Asantha Cooray, Phillip M. Korngut | Summary: We present new anisotropy measurements in the near-infrared (NIR) for angular multipoles $300<ell<10^5$ using imaging data at 1.1 $mu$m and 1.8 $mu$m from the fourth flight of the Cosmic Infrared Background […]

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CIBER 4th flight fluctuation analysis: Pseudo-power spectrum formalism, improved source masking and validation on mocks

Kavli Affiliate: James J. Bock | First 5 Authors: Richard M. Feder, James J. Bock, Yun-Ting Cheng, Asantha Cooray, Phillip M. Korngut | Summary: Precise, unbiased measurements of extragalactic background anisotropies require careful treatment of systematic effects in fluctuation-based, broad-band intensity mapping measurements. In this paper we detail improvements in methodology for the Cosmic Infrared […]

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Phage defense and genome editing using novel retrons sourced from isolated environmental bacteria

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Kazuo Nakamura, Karen Zhang, Mario R Mestre, Matias Rojas-Montero and Seth Shipman | Summary: Retrons are bacterial immune systems that protect a bacterial population against phages by killing infected hosts. Retrons typically comprise a reverse transcriptase, a template noncoding RNA that is partially reverse transcribed into RT-DNA, and a […]

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Quantum oscillations in a dipolar excitonic insulator

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Phuong X. Nguyen, Raghav Chaturvedi, Bo Zou, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Quantum oscillations in magnetization or resistivity are a defining feature of metals subject to an external magnetic field. The phenomenon is generally not expected in insulators without a Fermi surface. The observations of quantum […]

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