Gravitational waves from primordial black hole isocurvature: the effect of non-Gaussianities

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Xin-Chen He, Yi-Fu Cai, Xiao-Han Ma, Theodoros Papanikolaou, Emmanuel N. Saridakis | Summary: Ultra-light primordial black holes (PBHs) with masses $M_{rm PBH}<5times 10^8mathrm{g}$ can dominate transiently the energy budget of the Universe and reheat the Universe through their evaporation taking place before Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. The isocurvature […]

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Vetting quark-star models with gravitational waves in the hierarchical Bayesian framework

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Ziming Wang, Yong Gao, Dicong Liang, Junjie Zhao, Lijing Shao | Summary: The recent discovery of gravitational waves (GWs) has opened a new avenue for investigating the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter in compact stars, which is an outstanding problem in astronomy and nuclear physics. […]

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Topological K-theory of quasi-BPS categories for Higgs bundles

Kavli Affiliate: Yukinobu Toda | First 5 Authors: Tudor Pădurariu, Yukinobu Toda, , , | Summary: In a previous paper, we introduced quasi-BPS categories for moduli stacks of semistable Higgs bundles. Under a certain condition on the rank, Euler characteristic, and weight, the quasi-BPS categories (called BPS in this case) are non-commutative analogues of Hitchin […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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Deciphering spatially resolved Lyman-alpha profiles in reionization analogs: the Sunburst Arc at cosmic noon

Kavli Affiliate: Michael D. Gladders | First 5 Authors: Erik Solhaug, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri Zahedy, Max Gronke | Summary: The hydrogen Lyman-alpha (Lya) emission line, the brightest spectral feature of a photoionized gas, is considered an indirect tracer of the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons, particularly when the intergalactic medium is […]

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3’UTR-directed, kinase proximal mRNA decay inhibits C/EBPβ phosphorylation/activation to suppress senescence in tumor cells

Kavli Affiliate: Aniruddha Das | Authors: Jacqueline Salotti, Nida Asif, Srikanta Basu, Aniruddha Das, Mei Yang, Baktiar Karim, Karen Saylor, Nancy Martin, David A Scheiblin, Sweta Misra, Brian Luke, Thorkell Andresson, Stephen Lockett, Lino Tessarollo and Peter F Johnson | Summary: C/EBPβ is a potent regulator of oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) and the SASP. C/EBPβ is […]

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