Multiple interactions mediate the localization of BLTP2 at ER-PM contacts to control plasma membrane dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro De Camilli | Authors: Anbang Dai, Peng Xu, Chase Amos, Kenshiro Fujise, Yumei Wu, Han Yang, Julia N. Eisen, Andrés Guillén-Samander and Pietro De Camilli | Summary: BLTP2/KIAA0100, a bridge-like lipid transfer protein, was reported to localize at contacts of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with either the plasma membrane (PM) or recycling […]

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Optogenetic restoration of neuron subtype-specific cortical activity ameliorates motor deficits in Huntington′s Disease mice

Kavli Affiliate: Takaki Komiyama | Authors: Sonja Blumenstock, David Arakelyan, Nicholas del Grosso, Sonja Schneider, Yufeng Shao, Enida Gjoni, Ruediger Klein, Irina Dudanova and Takaki Komiyama | Summary: Huntington′s disease (HD) is a devastating movement disorder without a current cure. Although the monogenic basis of HD is well-defined, the complex downstream effects that underlie behavioral […]

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Old vs. New Local Ancestry Inference in HCHS/SOL: A Comparative Study

Kavli Affiliate: Anders Dale | Authors: Xueying Chen, Hao Wang, Iris Broce, Anders M Dale, Bing Yu, Laura Y Zhou, Xihao Li, Maria Argos, Martha L Daviglus, Jianwen Cai, Nora Franceschini and Tamar Sofer | Summary: Hispanic/Latino populations are admixed, with genetic contributions from multiple ancestral populations. Studies of genetic association in these admixed populations […]

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Context-specific interaction of the lipid regulator DIP-2 with phospholipid synthesis in axon regeneration and maintenance.

Kavli Affiliate: Yishi Jin | Authors: Seungmee Park, Andrew D. Chisholm and Yishi Jin | Summary: Neurons maintain their morphology over prolonged periods of adult life with limited regeneration after injury. C. elegans DIP-2 is a conserved regulator of lipid metabolism that affects axon maintenance and regeneration after injury. Here, we investigated genetic interactions of […]

Continue.. Context-specific interaction of the lipid regulator DIP-2 with phospholipid synthesis in axon regeneration and maintenance.

Evaluation of sequencing reads at scale using rdeval

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | Authors: Giulio Formenti, Bonhwang Koo, Marco Sollitto, Jennifer Balacco, Nadolina Brajuka, Richard Burhans, Erick Duarte, Alice Maria Giani, Kirsty McCaffrey, Jack A Medico, Eugene W Myers, Patrik Smeds, Anton Nekrutenko and Erich D Jarvis | Summary: Motivation: Large sequencing data sets are produced and deposited into public archives at unprecedented […]

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Optogenetic interrogation of the lateral-line sensory system reveals mechanisms of pattern separation in the zebrafish brain

Kavli Affiliate: A. James Hudspeth | Authors: Nicolas Velez, Sihao Lu, Brian Fabella, Caleb C. Reagor, Holland R Brown, Yuriria Vazquez, Adrian Jacobo and Albert James Hudspeth | Summary: The ability of animals to interact with their environment hinges on the brain’s capacity to distinguish between patterns of sensory information and accurately attribute them to […]

Continue.. Optogenetic interrogation of the lateral-line sensory system reveals mechanisms of pattern separation in the zebrafish brain

Superconducting Properties of the Titanium-Based Oxides Compounds: A Review

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Junqi He, Yi Zhou, , , | Summary: In recent years, the superconductivity of novel layered materials, titanium-based pnictide oxides, was discovered. Due to the properties of possessing both cuprate and iron-based superconductors, these compounds have attracted the interest of researchers. Titanium pnictide oxides were reported to […]

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First-principle crosstalk dynamics and Hamiltonian learning via Rabi experiments

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Jan Balewski, Adam Winick, Yilun Xu, Neel Vora, Gang Huang | Summary: Coherent errors constitute a significant barrier to successful large-scale quantum computation. One such error mechanism is crosstalk, which violates spatial locality or the independence of operations. We present a description of crosstalk and learn the […]

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Measurement of $B^+toτ^+ν_τ$ branching fraction with a hadronic tagging method at Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, H. Ahmed, Y. Ahn | Summary: We present a measurement of the branching fraction of $B^+totau^+nu_tau$ decays using $(387pm6)times 10^6$ $Upsilon(4S)$ collected between 2019 and 2022 with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB $e^+e^-$ collider. We reconstruct the accompanying […]

Continue.. Measurement of $B^+toτ^+ν_τ$ branching fraction with a hadronic tagging method at Belle II