AVAST Survey 0.4-1.0 μm Spectroscopy of Igneous Asteroids in the Inner and Middle Main Belt

Kavli Affiliate: Geza Gyuk | First 5 Authors: Michael Solontoi, Mark Hammergren, Geza Gyuk, Andrew Puckett, | Summary: We present the spectra of 60 asteroids, including 47 V-types observed during the first phase of the Adler V-Type Asteroid (AVAST) Survey. SDSS photometry was used to select candidate V-type asteroids for follow up by nature of […]

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Reduction of thermal fluctuations in a cryogenic laser interferometric gravitational wave detector

Kavli Affiliate: Tomiyoshi Haruyama | First 5 Authors: Takashi Uchiyama, Shinji Miyoki, Souichi Telada, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Masatake Ohashi | Summary: The thermal fluctuation of mirror surfaces is the fundamental limitation for interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. Here, we experimentally demonstrate for the first time a reduction in a mirror’s thermal fluctuation in a GW detector […]

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Irregular transcription dynamics for rapid production of high-fidelity transcripts

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Depken | First 5 Authors: Martin Depken, Juan M. R. Parrondo, Stephan W. Gril, , | Summary: Both genomic stability and sustenance of day-to-day life rely on efficient and accurate readout of the genetic code. Single-molecule experiments show that transcription and replication are highly stochastic and irregular processes, with the polymerases frequently […]

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Atomic-resolution spectroscopic imaging of ensembles of nanocatalyst particles across the life of a fuel cell

Kavli Affiliate: Lena Fitting Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Huolin L. Xin, Julia A. Mundy, Zhongyi Liu, Randi Cabezas, Robert Hovden | Summary: The thousandfold increase in data-collection speed enabled by aberration-corrected optics allows us to overcome an electron microscopy paradox – how to obtain atomic-resolution chemical structure in individual nanoparticles, yet record a statistically […]

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Measuring the spatial extent of individual localized photonic states

Kavli Affiliate: Kobus Kuipers | First 5 Authors: Marko Spasenovic, Daryl M. Beggs, Philippe Lalanne, Thomas F. Krauss, L. | Summary: We measure the spatial extent of individual localized photonic states in a slow-light photonic crystal waveguide. The size of the states is measured by perturbing each state individually through a local electromagnetic interaction with […]

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A photonic crystal nanocavity laser in an optically very thick slab

Kavli Affiliate: Axel Scherer | First 5 Authors: Se-Heon Kim, Jingqing Huang, Axel Scherer, , | Summary: A photonic crystal (PhC) nanocavity formed in an optically very thick slab can support reasonably high-Q modes for lasing. Experimentally, we demonstrate room-temperature pulsed lasing operation from the PhC dipole mode emitting at 1324 nm, which is fabricated […]

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A photonic crystal nanocavity laser in an optically very thick slab

Kavli Affiliate: Axel Scherer | First 5 Authors: Se-Heon Kim, Jingqing Huang, Axel Scherer, , | Summary: A photonic crystal (PhC) nanocavity formed in an optically very thick slab can support reasonably high-Q modes for lasing. Experimentally, we demonstrate room-temperature pulsed lasing operation from the PhC dipole mode emitting at 1324 nm, which is fabricated […]

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Suzaku Observations of 4U 1957+11: Potentially the Most Rapidly Spinning Black Hole in (the Halo of) the Galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: Norbert Schulz | First 5 Authors: Michael A. Nowak, Joern Wilms, Katja Pottschmidt, Norbert Schulz, Dipankar Maitra | Summary: We present three Suzaku observations of the black hole candidate 4U 1957+11 (V1408 Aql) — a source that exhibits some of the simplest and cleanest examples of soft, disk-dominated spectra. 4U 1957+11 also presents […]

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Ion association in low-polarity solvents: comparisons between theory, simulation, and experiment

Kavli Affiliate: Jos W. Zwanikken | First 5 Authors: Chantal Valeriani, Philip J. Camp, Jos W. Zwanikken, René van Roij, Marjolein Dijkstra | Summary: The association of ions in electrolyte solutions at very low concentration and low temperature is studied using computer simulations and quasi-chemical ion-pairing theory. The specific case of the restricted primitive model […]

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Free subgroups within the images of quantum representations

Kavli Affiliate: Toshitake Kohno | First 5 Authors: Louis Funar, Toshitake Kohno, , , | Summary: We prove that, except for a few explicit roots of unity, the quantum image of any Johnson subgroup of the mapping class group contains an explicit free non-abelian subgroup. | Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Toshitake Kohno”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3 Read More

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