Prospects for High-Elevation Radio Detection of >100 PeV Tau Neutrinos

Kavli Affiliate: Abigail Vieregg | First 5 Authors: Stephanie Wissel, Andrés Romero-Wolf, Harm Schoorlemmer, Washington R. Carvalho Jr., Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz | Summary: Tau neutrinos are expected to comprise roughly one third of both the astrophysical and cosmogenic neutrino flux, but currently the flavor ratio is poorly constrained and the expected flux at energies above $10^{17}$ […]

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Compromise-free Bayesian neural networks

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Lasenby | First 5 Authors: Kamran Javid, Will Handley, Mike Hobson, Anthony Lasenby, | Summary: We conduct a thorough analysis of the relationship between the out-of-sample performance and the Bayesian evidence (marginal likelihood) of Bayesian neural networks (BNNs), as well as looking at the performance of ensembles of BNNs, both using the […]

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Addressing Ancestry Disparities in Genomic Medicine: A Geographic-aware Algorithm

Kavli Affiliate: Carlos Bustamante | First 5 Authors: Daniel Mas Montserrat, Arvind Kumar, Carlos Bustamante, Alexander Ioannidis, | Summary: With declining sequencing costs a promising and affordable tool is emerging in cancer diagnostics: genomics. By using association studies, genomic variants that predispose patients to specific cancers can be identified, while by using tumor genomics cancer […]

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Addressing Ancestry Disparities in Genomic Medicine: A Geographic-aware Algorithm

Kavli Affiliate: Carlos Bustamante | First 5 Authors: Daniel Mas Montserrat, Arvind Kumar, Carlos Bustamante, Alexander Ioannidis, | Summary: With declining sequencing costs a promising and affordable tool is emerging in cancer diagnostics: genomics. By using association studies, genomic variants that predispose patients to specific cancers can be identified, while by using tumor genomics cancer […]

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Optical design of diffraction-limited X-ray telescopes

Kavli Affiliate: Ralf K. Heilmann | First 5 Authors: Brandon D. Chalifoux, Ralf K. Heilmann, Herman L. Marshall, Mark L. Schattenburg, | Summary: Astronomical imaging with micro-arcsecond ($mu$as) angular resolution could enable breakthrough scientific discoveries. Previously-proposed $mu$as X-ray imager designs have been interferometers with limited effective collecting area. Here we describe X-ray telescopes achieving diffraction-limited […]

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Requirements for future CMB satellite missions: photometric and band-pass response calibration

Kavli Affiliate: Tomotake Matsumura | First 5 Authors: Tommaso Ghigna, Tomotake Matsumura, Guillaume Patanchon, Hirokazu Ishino, Masashi Hazumi | Summary: Current and future Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation experiments are targeting the polarized $B$-mode signal. The small amplitude of this signal makes a successful measurement challenging for current technologies. Therefore, very accurate studies to mitigate […]

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SENSEI: Direct-Detection Results on sub-GeV Dark Matter from a New Skipper-CCD

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crisler | First 5 Authors: Liron Barak, Itay M. Bloch, Mariano Cababie, Gustavo Cancelo, Luke Chaplinsky | Summary: We present the first direct-detection search for eV-to-GeV dark matter using a new ~2-gram high-resistivity Skipper-CCD from a dedicated fabrication batch that was optimized for dark-matter searches. Using 24 days of data acquired in […]

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The geometry and environment of repeating FRBs

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Shuang Du, Weihua Wang, Xuhao Wu, Renxin Xu, | Summary: We propose a geometrical explanation for periodically and nonperiodically repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) under neutron star (NS)-companion systems. We suggest a constant critical binary separation, $r_{rm c}$, within which the interaction between the NS and companion […]

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High sensitivity, levitated microsphere apparatus for short-distance force measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Giorgio Gratta | First 5 Authors: Akio Kawasaki, Alexander Fieguth, Nadav Priel, Charles P. Blakemore, Denzal Martin | Summary: A high sensitivity force sensor based on dielectric microspheres in vacuum, optically trapped by a single, upward-propagating laser beam, is described. Off-axis parabolic mirrors are used both to focus the 1064~nm trapping beam and […]

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Ionization Yield in Silicon for eV-Scale Electron-Recoil Processes

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Karthik Ramanathan, Noah Kurinsky, , , | Summary: The development of single charge resolving, macroscopic silicon detectors has opened a window into rare processes at the O(eV) scale. In order to reconstruct the energy of a given event, or model the charge signal obtained for a given […]

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