EFT Asymptotics: the Growth of Operator Degeneracy

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Melia | First 5 Authors: Tom Melia, Sridip Pal, , , | Summary: We establish formulae for the asymptotic growth (with respect to the scaling dimension) of the number of operators in effective field theory, or equivalently the number of $S$-matrix elements, in arbitrary spacetime dimensions and with generic field content. This […]

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Signatures of the Quantization of Gravity at Gravitational Wave Detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Maulik Parikh, Frank Wilczek, George Zahariade, , | Summary: We develop a formalism to calculate the response of a model gravitational wave detector to a quantized gravitational field. Coupling a detector to a quantum field induces stochastic fluctuations ("noise") in the length of the detector arm. The […]

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Quantum Mechanics of Gravitational Waves

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Maulik Parikh, Frank Wilczek, George Zahariade, , | Summary: For the purpose of analyzing observed phenomena, it has been convenient, and thus far sufficient, to regard gravity as subject to the deterministic principles of classical physics, with the gravitational field obeying Newton’s law or Einstein’s equations. Here […]

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Hubble Space Telescope Snapshot Survey for Resolved Companions of Galactic Cepheids: Final Results

Kavli Affiliate: Moritz Guenther | First 5 Authors: Nancy Remage Evans, H. Moritz Guenther, Howard E. Bond, Gail H. Schaefer, Brian D. Mason | Summary: Cepheids in multiple systems provide information on the outcome of the formation of massive stars. They can also lead to exotic end-stage objects. This study concludes our survey of 70 […]

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Droplet-Edge Operators in Nonrelativistic Conformal Field Theories

Kavli Affiliate: Simeon Hellerman | First 5 Authors: Simeon Hellerman, Ian Swanson, , , | Summary: We consider the large-charge expansion of the charged ground state of a Schrodinger-invariant, nonrelativistic conformal field theory in a harmonic trap, in general dimension d. In the existing literature, the energy in the trap has been computed to next-to-leading […]

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One-dimensional model for deconfined criticality with $mathbb{Z}_3 times mathbb{Z}_3$ symmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Shenghan Jiang | First 5 Authors: Brenden Roberts, Shenghan Jiang, Olexei I. Motrunich, , | Summary: We continue recent efforts to discover examples of deconfined quantum criticality in one-dimensional models. In this work we investigate the transition between a $mathbb{Z}_3$ ferromagnet and a phase with valence bond solid (VBS) order in a spin […]

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One-dimensional model for deconfined criticality with $mathbb{Z}_3 times mathbb{Z}_3$ symmetry

Kavli Affiliate: Shenghan Jiang | First 5 Authors: Brenden Roberts, Shenghan Jiang, Olexei I. Motrunich, , | Summary: We continue recent efforts to discover examples of deconfined quantum criticality in one-dimensional models. In this work we investigate the transition between a $mathbb{Z}_3$ ferromagnet and a phase with valence bond solid (VBS) order in a spin […]

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Absorption-line Environments of High-redshift BOSS Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Donald York | First 5 Authors: Chen Chen, Fred Hamann, Bo Ma, Britt Lundgren, Donald York | Summary: The early stage of massive galaxy evolution often involves outflows driven by a starburst or a central quasar plus cold mode accretion (infall), which adds to the mass build-up in the galaxies. To study the […]

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Nanopores — a Versatile Tool to Study Protein Dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Cees Dekker | First 5 Authors: Sonja Schmid, Cees Dekker, , , | Summary: Proteins are the active working horses in our body. These biomolecules perform all vital cellular functions from DNA replication and general biosynthesis to metabolic signaling and environmental sensing. While static 3D structures are now readily available, observing the functional […]

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Curvature conditions for spatial isotropy

Kavli Affiliate: Pau Amaro Seoane | First 5 Authors: Kostas Tzanavaris, Pau Amaro Seoane, , , | Summary: In the context of mathematical cosmology, the study of necessary and sufficient conditions for a semi-Riemannian manifold to be a (generalised) Robertson-Walker space-time is important. In particular, it is a requirement for the development of initial data […]

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