Evidence for violations of Weak Cosmic Censorship in black hole collisions in higher dimensions

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Tomas Andrade, Pau Figueras, Ulrich Sperhake, , | Summary: We study collisions of boosted rotating black holes in $D=6$ and 7 spacetime dimensions with a non-zero impact parameter. We find that there exists an open set of initial conditions such that the intermediate state of the collision […]

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The Simons Observatory: gain, bandpass and polarization-angle calibration requirements for B-mode searches

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey McMahon | First 5 Authors: Maximilian H. Abitbol, David Alonso, Sara M. Simon, Jack Lashner, Kevin T. Crowley | Summary: We quantify the calibration requirements for systematic uncertainties for next-generation ground-based observatories targeting the large-angle $B$-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background, with a focus on the Simons Observatory (SO). We explore […]

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The black hole mass of the $z=2.805$ multiply imaged quasar SDSS J2222+2745 from velocity-resolved time lags of the CIV emission line

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Gladders | First 5 Authors: Peter R. Williams, Tommaso Treu, HÃ¥kon Dahle, Stefano Valenti, Louis Abramson | Summary: We present the first results of a 4.5 year monitoring campaign of the three bright images of multiply imaged $z=2.805$ quasar SDSS J2222+2745 using the Gemini North Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS-N) and the Nordic Optical […]

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Fluctuations can induce local nematic order and extensile stress in monolayers of motile cells

Kavli Affiliate: Boris I. Shraiman | First 5 Authors: Farzan Vafa, Mark J. Bowick, Boris I. Shraiman, M. Cristina Marchetti, | Summary: Recent experiments in various cell types have shown that two-dimensional tissues often display local nematic order, with evidence of extensile stresses manifest in the dynamics of topological defects. Using a mesoscopic model where […]

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High-resolution imaging follow-up of doubly imaged quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. Schechter | First 5 Authors: Anowar J. Shajib, Eden Molina, Adriano Agnello, Peter R. Williams, Simon Birrer | Summary: We report upon three years of follow-up and confirmation of doubly imaged quasar lenses through imaging campaigns from 2016-2018 with the Near-Infrared Camera2 (NIRC2) on the W. M. Keck Observatory. A sample […]

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Pulsar glitches in a strangeon star model. II. The activity

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Weihua Wang, Xiaoyu Lai, Enping Zhou, Jiguang Lu, Xiaoping Zheng | Summary: Glitch is supposed to be a useful probe into pulsar’s interior, but the underlying physics remains puzzling. The glitch activity may reflect a lower limit of the crustal moment of inertia in conventional neutron star […]

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NANOGrav results and LIGO-Virgo primordial black holes in axion-like curvaton model

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Keisuke Inomata, Masahiro Kawasaki, Kyohei Mukaida, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, | Summary: We discuss a possible connection between the recent NANOGrav results and the primordial black holes (PBHs) for the LIGO-Virgo events. In particular, we focus on the axion-like curvaton model, which provides a sizable amount of PBHs […]

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Out of Control: Reducing Probabilistic Models by Control-State Elimination

Kavli Affiliate: Johannes Lehmann | First 5 Authors: Tobias Winkler, Johannes Lehmann, Joost-Pieter Katoen, , | Summary: State-of-the-art probabilistic model checkers perform verification on explicit-state Markov models defined in a high-level programming formalism like the PRISM modeling language. Typically, the low-level models resulting from such program-like specifications exhibit lots of structure such as repeating subpatterns. […]

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Matrix model for the total descendant potential of a simple singularity of type $D$

Kavli Affiliate: Todor Milanov | First 5 Authors: Alexander Alexandrov, Todor Milanov, , , | Summary: We construct a Hermitian matrix model for the total descendant potential of a simple singularity of type D similar to the Kontsevich matrix model for the generating function of intersection numbers on the Deligne–Mumford moduli spaces $overline{mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$. | Search […]

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