Universal relation between Green’s functions in random matrix theory

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Zee | First 5 Authors: Anthony Zee, Edouard Brézin, , , | Summary: We prove that in random matrix theory there exists a universal relation between the one-point Green’s function $G$ and the connected two- point Green’s function $G_c$ given by vfill $ N^2 G_c(z,w) = {part^2 over part z part w} […]

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Particle Physics Models, Topological Defects and Electroweak Baryogenesis

Kavli Affiliate: A. C. Davis | First 5 Authors: M. Trodden, A-C. Davis, R. Brandenberger, , | Summary: We demonstrate the viability of electroweak baryogenesis scenarios in which the necessary departure from equilibrium is realized by the evolution of a network of topological defects. We consider several effective models of TeV physics, each addressing a […]

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