Dopamine D1 receptor expression in dlPFC inhibitory parvalbumin neurons may contribute to higher visuospatial distractibility in marmosets versus macaques

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy | Authors: Mary Kate P Joyce, Tsvetoslav G Ivanov, Fenna Krienen, Jude Mitchell, Shaojie Ma, Wataru Inoue, Anirvan P Nandy, Dibyadeep Datta, Alvaro Duque, Jon I Arellano, Rahul Gupta, Guillermo Gonzalez-Burgos, David A Lewis, Nenad Sestan, Steven A McCarroll, Julio C Martinez-Trujillo, Seán Froudist-Walsh and Amy FT Arnsten | Summary: Marmosets […]

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Early Developmental Origins of Cortical Disorders Modeled in Human Neural Stem Cells

Kavli Affiliate: Flora Vaccarino | Authors: Xoel Mato-Blanco, Suel-Kee Kim, Alexandre Jourdon, Shaojie Ma, Andrew T.N. Tebbenkamp, Fuchen Liu, Alvaro Duque, Flora M. Vaccarino, Nenad Sestan, Carlo Colantuoni, Pasko Rakic, Gabriel Santpere and Nicola Micali | Summary: The implications of the early phases of human telencephalic development, involving neural stem cells (NSCs), in the etiology […]

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Broken time reversal symmetry in visual motion detection

Kavli Affiliate: Damon Clark | Authors: Nathan Wu, Baohua Zhou, Margarida Agrochao and Damon A Clark | Summary: Our intuition suggests that when a movie is played in reverse, our perception of motion in the reversed movie will be perfectly inverted compared to the original. This intuition is also reflected in many classical theoretical and […]

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Lysosome damage triggers acute formation of ER to lysosomes membrane tethers mediated by the bridge-like lipid transport protein VPS13C

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro De Camilli; | Authors: Xinbo Wang, Peng Xu, Amanda Bentley-DeSousa, William Hancock-Cerutti, Shujun Cai, Benjamin T Johnson, Francesca Tonelli, Gabriel Talaia, Dario R Alessi, Shawn M Ferguson and Pietro De Camilli | Summary: Based on genetic studies, lysosome dysfunction is thought to play a pathogenetic role in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Here we […]

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Role of microglia in stress-induced alcohol intake in female and male mice

Kavli Affiliate: Marina Picciotto; | Authors: Alexa Soares, Vernon Garcia-Rivas, Caroline Fai, Merrilee Thomas, Xiaoying Zheng, Marina Picciotto and Yann Mineur | Summary: Rates of alcohol use disorder (AUD) have escalated in recent years, with a particular increase among women. Women are more susceptible to stress-induced alcohol drinking, and preclinical data suggest that stress can […]

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Periodic ER-plasma membrane junctions support long-range Ca2+ signal integration in dendrites

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy A. Ryan and Pietro De Camilli; | Authors: Lorena Benedetti, Ruolin Fan, Aubrey V. Weigel, Andrew S. Moore, Patrick R. Houlihan, Mark Kittisopikul, Grace Park, Alyson Petruncio, Philip M. Hubbard, Song Pang, C. Shan Xu, Harald F. Hess, Stephan Saalfeld, Vidhya Rangaraju, David E. Clapham, Pietro De Camilli, Timothy A. Ryan and […]

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Specification of human regional brain lineages using orthogonal gradients of WNT and SHH in organoids

Kavli Affiliate: Flora Vaccarino | Authors: Soraya Scuderi, Tae-Yun Kang, Alexandre Jourdon, Liang Yang, Feinan Wu, Alex Nelson, George M. Anderson, Jessica Mariani, VIVEKANANDA SARANGI, Alexej Abyzov, Andre Levchenko and Flora M. Vaccarino | Summary: The repertory of neurons generated by progenitor cells depends on their location along antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes of the neural […]

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Interneuron loss and microglia activation by transcriptome analyses in the basal ganglia of Tourette syndrome

Kavli Affiliate: Flora Vaccarino | Authors: Yifan Wang, Liana Fasching, Feinan Wu, Anita Huttner, Sabina Berretta, Rosalinda Roberts, James F. Leckman, Alexej Abyzov and Flora M. Vaccarino | Summary: Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder of high-order integration of sensory, motor, and cognitive functions afflicting as many as 1 in 150 children and characterized by […]

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Widespread Receptive Field Remapping in Early Visual Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy | Authors: Sachira Denagamage, Mitchell P Morton and Anirvan Nandy | Summary: Our eyes are in constant motion, yet we perceive the visual world as being stable. Predictive remapping of receptive fields is thought to be one of the critical mechanisms for enforcing perceptual stability during eye movements. While receptive field […]

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Ectopic Reconstitution of a Spine-Apparatus Like Structure Provides Insight into Mechanisms Underlying Its Formation

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro De Camilli | Authors: Hanieh Falahati, Yumei Wu and Pietro De Camill | Summary: Abstract The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a continuous cellular endomembrane network that displays focal specializations. Most notable examples of such specializations include the spine apparatus of neuronal dendrites, and the cisternal organelle of axonal initial segments. Both organelles […]

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