A multifaceted architectural framework of the mouse claustrum complex

Kavli Affiliate: Clifford Kentros, Menno Witter, Stefan Blankvoort | Authors: Joachim Schweder Grimstvedt, Andrew M. Shelton, Anna Hoerder-Suabedissen, David K. Oliver, Christin H. Berndtsson, Stefan Blankvoort, Rajeevkumar Raveendran Nair, Adam M. Packer, Menno P. Witter and Clifford G. Kentros | Summary: Accurate anatomical characterizations are necessary to investigate neural circuitry on a fine scale, but […]

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Recording gene expression order in DNA by CRISPR addition of retron barcodes

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Santi Bhattarai-Kline, Sierra K. Lear, Chloe B. Fishman, Santiago C. Lopez, Elana R. Lockshin, Max G. Schubert, Jeff Nivala, George Church and Seth L. Shipman | Summary: Biological processes depend on the differential expression of genes over time, but methods to make physical recordings of these processes are limited. […]

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Leveraging place field repetition to understand positional versus nonpositional inputs to hippocampal field CA1

Kavli Affiliate: James Knierim | Authors: William Hockeimer, Ruo-Yah Lai, Maanasa Natrajan, William Snider and James J. Knierim | Summary: The hippocampus is believed to encode episodic memory by binding information about the content of experience within a spatial framework encoding the location of that experience. Previous work implies a distinction between positional inputs to […]

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Aberrant cortical spine dynamics after concussive injury are reversed by integrated stress response inhibition

Kavli Affiliate: Susanna Rosi, Peter Walter, Michael Stryker | Authors: Elma S. Frias, Mahmood S. Hoseini, Karen Krukowski, Maria Serena Paladini, Katherine Grue, Gonzalo Ureta, Kira D.A. Rienecker, Peter Walter, Michael P. Stryker and Susanna Rosi | Summary: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of long-term neurological disability in the world and the […]

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Physical and functional convergence of the autism risk genes Scn2a and Ank2 in neocortical pyramidal cell dendrites

Kavli Affiliate: Kevin Bender | Authors: Andrew D. Nelson, Amanda M. Catalfio, Julie M. Gupta, Lia Min, René N. Caballero-Florán, Kendall P. Dean, Carina C. Elvira, Kimberly D. Derderian, Henry Kyoung, Atehsa Sahagun, Stephan J Sanders, Kevin Bender and Paul M Jenkins | Summary: Dysfunction in sodium channels and their ankyrin scaffolding partners have both […]

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Hippocampal-medial entorhinal circuit is differently organized along the dorsoventral axis in rodents

Kavli Affiliate: Menno Witter | Authors: Shinya Ohara, Märt Rannap, Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui, Andreas Draguhn, Alexei V. Egorov and Menno P. Witter | Summary: The general understanding of hippocampal circuits is that the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex (EC) are topographically connected through parallel identical circuits along the dorsoventral axis. Our anterograde tracing and in vitro […]

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Machine-learning dissection of Human Accelerated Regions in primate neurodevelopment

Kavli Affiliate: Arnold Kriegstein, Alex Pollen | Authors: Sean Whalen, Fumitaka Inoue, Hane Ryu, Tyler Fair, Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Kathleen Keough, Martin Kircher, Beth Martin, Beatriz Alvarado, Orry Elor, Dianne Laboy Cintron, Alex Williams, Md. Abul Hassan Samee, Sean Thomas, Robert Krencik, Erik Ullian, Arnold Kriegstein, Jay Shendure, Alex Pollen, Nadav Ahituv and Katherine Pollard | […]

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The role of the cerebellum in learning to predict reward: evidence from cerebellar ataxia

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy | Authors: Jonathan Nicholas, Christian Amlang, Chi-Ying Lin, Leila Montaser-Kouhsari, Natasha Desai, Ming-Kai Pan, Sheng-Han Kuo and Daphna Shohamy | Summary: Recent findings in animals have challenged the traditional view of the cerebellum solely as the site of motor control, suggesting that the cerebellum may also be important for learning to […]

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Prioritizing virtual screening with interpretable interaction fingerprints

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Keiser | Authors: Alexandre V Fassio, Laura Shub, Luca Ponzoni, Jessica McKinley, Matthew J O’Meara, Rafaela S Ferreira, Michael J Keiser and Raquel C de Melo Minardi | Summary: Machine learning-based drug discovery success depends on molecular representation. Yet traditional molecular fingerprints omit both the protein and pointers back to structural information […]

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A developmental pathway for epithelial-to-motoneuron transformation in C. elegans

Kavli Affiliate: Shai Shaham | Authors: Alina Rashid, Maya Tevlin, Yun Lu and Shai Shaham | Summary: Motoneurons and motoneuron-like pancreatic beta cells arise from radial glia and ductal cells, both tube-lining progenitors that share molecular regulators. To uncover programs underlying motoneuron formation, we studied a similar, cell-division-independent transformation of the C. elegans tube-lining Y […]

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