Age-dependent changes in the dynamic functional organization of the brain at rest – a cross – cultural replication approach

Kavli Affiliate: David Linden | Authors: Xi Yang, Xinqi Zhou, Fei Xin, Benjamin Becker, David Linden and Dennis Hernaus | Summary: Abstract Age-associated changes in brain function play an important role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Although previous work has examined age-related changes in static functional connectivity (FC), accumulating evidence suggests that advancing age […]

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Internal states as a source of subject-dependent movement variability and their representation by large-scale networks

Kavli Affiliate: Kathleen Cullen & Sridevi Sarma | Authors: Macauley Smith Breault, Pierre Sacré, Zachary B Fitzgerald, John T Gale, Kathleen E Cullen, Jorge A González-Martínez and Sridevi V Sarma | Summary: Abstract A human’s ability to adapt and learn relies on reflecting on past performance. Such reflections form latent factors called internal states that […]

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From Prediction to Action: Dissociable Roles of Ventral Tegmental Area and Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons in Instrumental Reinforcement

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia Janak | Authors: Kurt Michael Fraser, Heather J Pribut, Patricia H Janak and Ronald Keiflin | Summary: Abstract Reward-seeking requires the coordination of motor programs to achieve goals. Midbrain dopamine neurons are critical for reinforcement and their activation is sufficient for learning about cues, actions, and outcomes. Here we examine in detail […]

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Object representation in a gravitational reference frame

Kavli Affiliate: Kristina Nielsen and Charles Connor | Authors: Alexandriya MX Emonds, Ramanujan Srinath, Kristina J Nielsen and Charles E Connor | Summary: ABSTRACT When your head tilts laterally, as in sports, reaching, and resting, your eyes counterrotate less than 20%, and thus eye images rotate, over a total range of about 180°. Yet, the […]

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Basolateral amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex, but not dorsal hippocampus, are necessary for the control of reward-seeking by occasion setters

Kavli Affiliate: Patricia Janak | Authors: Kurt M Fraser and Patricia H Janak | Summary: ABSTRACT Reward-seeking in the world is driven by cues that can have ambiguous predictive and motivational value. To produce adaptive, flexible reward-seeking it is necessary to exploit occasion setters, other distinct features in the environment, to resolve the ambiguity of […]

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Suboptimal phenotypic reliability impedes reproducible human neuroscience

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Aki Nikolaidis, Andrew An Chen, Xiaoning He, Russell Shinohara, Joshua Vogelstein, Michael Milham and Haochang Shou | Summary: Biomarkers of behavior and psychiatric illness for cognitive and clinical neuroscience remain out of reach. Suboptimal reliability of biological measurements, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), is increasingly cited as […]

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PanIN and CAF Transitions in Pancreatic Carcinogenesis Revealed with Spatial Data Integration

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Alexander T.F. Bell, Jacob T. Mitchell, Ashley L. Kiemen, Kohei Fujikura, Helen Fedor, Bonnie Gambichler, Atul Deshpande, Pei-Hsun Wu, Dimitrios N Sidiropoulos, Rossin Erbe, Jacob Stern, Rena Chan, Stephen Williams, James M. Chell, Jacquelyn W Zimmerman, Denis Wirtz, Elizabeth M. Jaffee, Laura D. Wood, Elana J. Fertig and Luciane […]

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Spatial transcriptomics of FFPE pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias reveals cellular and molecular alterations of progression to pancreatic ductal carcinoma

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Alexander T.F. Bell, Jacob T. Mitchell, Ashley L. Kiemen, Kohei Fujikura, Helen Fedor, Bonnie Gambichler, Atul Deshpande, Pei-Hsun Wu, Dimitrios N Sidiropoulos, Rossin Erbe, Jacob Stern, Rena Chan, Stephen Williams, James M. Chell, Jacquelyn W Zimmerman, Denis Wirtz, Elizabeth M. Jaffee, Laura D. Wood, Elana J. Fertig and Luciane […]

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Engineered Adhesion Molecules Drive Synapse Organization

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Huganir | Authors: William Dylan Hale, Thomas C. Sudhof and Richard L. Huganir | Summary: In multicellular organisms, cell-adhesion molecules connect cells into tissues and mediate intercellular signaling between these cells. In vertebrate brains, synaptic cell-adhesion molecules (SAMs) guide the formation, specification, and plasticity of synapses. Some SAMs, when overexpressed in cultured […]

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Pulsatile electrical stimulation creates predictable, correctable disruptions in neural firing

Kavli Affiliate: Kathleen Cullen | Authors: Cynthia R Steinhardt, Diana E Mitchell, Kathleen E Cullen and Gene Y Fridman | Summary: Electrical stimulation of neural responses is used both scientifically in brain mapping studies and in many clinical applications such as cochlear, vestibular, and retinal implants. Due to safety considerations, stimulation of the nervous system […]

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