Dual Prompt Tuning for Domain-Aware Federated Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Guoyizhe Wei, Feng Wang, Anshul Shah, Rama Chellappa, | Summary: Federated learning is a distributed machine learning paradigm that allows multiple clients to collaboratively train a shared model with their local data. Nonetheless, conventional federated learning algorithms often struggle to generalize well due to the ubiquitous domain […]

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Learning to Prompt Your Domain for Vision-Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Guoyizhe Wei, Feng Wang, Anshul Shah, Rama Chellappa, | Summary: Prompt learning has recently become a very efficient transfer learning paradigm for Contrastive Language Image Pretraining (CLIP) models. Compared with fine-tuning the entire encoder, prompt learning can obtain highly competitive results by optimizing only a small number […]

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View-Independent Adjoint Light Tracing for Lighting Design Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Lukas Lipp, David Hahn, Pierre Ecormier-Nocca, Florian Rist, Michael Wimmer | Summary: Controlling light is a central element when composing a scene, enabling artistic expression, as well as the design of comfortable living spaces. In contrast to previous camera-based inverse rendering approaches, we introduce a novel method […]

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View-Independent Adjoint Light Tracing for Lighting Design Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: Lukas Lipp, David Hahn, Pierre Ecormier-Nocca, Florian Rist, Michael Wimmer | Summary: Differentiable rendering methods promise the ability to optimize various parameters of 3d scenes to achieve a desired result. However, lighting design has so far received little attention in this field. In this paper, we introduce […]

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3D photonics for ultra-low energy, high bandwidth-density chip data links

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Stuart Daudlin, Anthony Rizzo, Sunwoo Lee, Devesh Khilwani, Christine Ou | Summary: Artificial intelligence (AI) hardware is positioned to unlock revolutionary computational abilities across diverse fields ranging from fundamental science [1] to medicine [2] and environmental science [3] by leveraging advanced semiconductor chips interconnected in vast distributed […]

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Hot electron diffusion, microwave noise, and piezoresistivity in Si from first principles

Kavli Affiliate: Austin J. Minnich | First 5 Authors: Benjamin Hatanpää, Austin J. Minnich, , , | Summary: Ab-initio calculations of charge transport properties in materials without adjustable parameters have provided microscopic insights into electron-phonon interactions which govern charge transport properties. Other transport properties such as the diffusion coefficient provide additional microscopic information and are […]

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SpinPSO: An agent-based optimization workflow for identifying global noncollinear magnetic ground-states from first-principles

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Guy C. Moore, Matthew K. Horton, Kristin A. Persson, , | Summary: We propose and implement a novel hybrid meta-heuristic optimization algorithm for the identification of non-collinear global ground-states in magnetic systems. The inputs to this optimization scheme are directly from non-collinear density functional theory (DFT), […]

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Atomic Insights into the Oxidative Degradation Mechanisms of Sulfide Solid Electrolytes

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Chuntian Cao, Matthew R. Carbone, Cem Komurcuoglu, Jagriti S. Shekhawat, Kerry Sun | Summary: Electrochemical degradation of solid electrolytes is a major roadblock in the development of solid-state batteries, and the formed solid-solid interphase (SSI) plays a key role in the performance of solid-state batteries. In this […]

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Dynamic DAG Discovery for Interpretable Imitation Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: ianxiang Zhao, Wenchao Yu, Suhang Wang, Lu Wang, Xiang Zhang | Summary: Imitation learning, which learns agent policy by mimicking expert demonstration, has shown promising results in many applications such as medical treatment regimes and self-driving vehicles. However, it remains a difficult task to interpret control policies […]

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