Evidence for a magnetic-field induced ideal type-II Weyl state in antiferromagnetic topological insulator Mn(Bi1-xSbx)2Te4

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Seng Huat Lee, David Graf, Yanglin Zhu, Hemian Yi, Samuel Ciocys | Summary: The discovery of Weyl semimetals (WSMs) has fueled tremendous interest in condensed matter physics. WSMs require breaking of either inversion symmetry (IS) or time-reversal symmetry (TRS); they can be categorized into type-I and type-II […]

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Competition between magnetic order and charge localization in Na$_2$IrO$_3$ thin crystal devices

Kavli Affiliate: Alessandra Lanzara | First 5 Authors: Josue Rodriguez, Gilbert Lopez, Samantha Crouch, Nicholas P. Breznay, Robert Kealhofer | Summary: Spin orbit assisted Mott insulators such as sodium iridate (Na$_2$IrO$_3$) have been an important subject of study in the recent years. In these materials, the interplay of electronic correlations, spin-orbit coupling, crystal field effects […]

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A Mechanically Tunable Quantum Dot in a Graphene Break Junction

Kavli Affiliate: Cees Dekker | First 5 Authors: Sabina Caneva, Matthijs D. Hermans, Martin Lee, Amador Garcia-Fuente, Kenji Watanabe | Summary: Graphene quantum dots (QDs) are intensively studied as platforms for the next generation of quantum electronic devices. Fine tuning of the transport properties in monolayer graphene QDs, in particular with respect to the independent […]

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Computational Synthesis of Substrates by Crystal Cleavage

Kavli Affiliate: Kyle Shen | First 5 Authors: Joshua T. Paul, Alice Galdi, Christopher Parzyck, Kyle Shen, Richard G. Hennig | Summary: The discovery of novel substrate materials has been dominated by trial and error, opening the opportunity for a systematic search. To identify stable crystal surfaces, we generate bonding networks for materials from the […]

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Mid-Infrared Radiative Emission from Bright Hot Plasmons in Graphene

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Laura Kim, Seyoon Kim, Pankaj K. Jha, Victor W. Brar, Harry A. Atwater | Summary: The decay dynamics of excited carriers in graphene have attracted wide scientific attention, as the gapless Dirac electronic band structure opens up relaxation channels that are not allowed in conventional materials. […]

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Kibble-Zurek exponent and chiral transition of the period-4 phase of Rydberg chains

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Natalia Chepiga, Frédéric Mila, , , | Summary: Chains of Rydberg atoms have emerged as an amazing playground to study quantum physics in 1D. Playing with inter-atomic distances and laser detuning, one can in particular explore the commensurate-incommensurate transition out of charge-density waves through the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, […]

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Collapse and Revival of an Artificial Atom Coupled to a Structured Photonic Reservoir

Kavli Affiliate: Mohammad Mirhosseini | First 5 Authors: Vinicius S. Ferreira, Jash Banker, Alp Sipahigil, Matthew H. Matheny, Andrew J. Keller | Summary: A structured electromagnetic reservoir can result in novel dynamics of quantum emitters. In particular, the reservoir can be tailored to have a memory of past interactions with emitters, in contrast to memory-less […]

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Probing and manipulating embryogenesis via nanoscale thermometry and temperature control

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Needleman | First 5 Authors: Joonhee Choi, Hengyun Zhou, Renate Landig, Hai-Yin Wu, Xiaofei Yu | Summary: Understanding the coordination of cell division timing is one of the outstanding questions in the field of developmental biology. One active control parameter of the cell cycle duration is temperature, as it can accelerate or […]

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Photoinduced phase separation in the lead halides is a polaronic effect

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: David T. Limmer, Naomi S. Ginsberg, , , | Summary: We present a perspective on recent observations of the photoinduced phase separation of halides in multi-component lead-halide perovskites. The spontaneous phase separation of an initial homogeneous solid solution under steady-state illumination conditions is found experimentally to […]

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Effect of surface chemistry on incorporation of nanoparticles within calcite single crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Joanna Aizenberg | First 5 Authors: Giulia Magnabosco, Iryna Polishchuk, Francesco Palomba, Enrico Rampazzo, Luca Prodi | Summary: Inclusion of additives into calcite crystals allows one to embed non-native proprieties into the inorganic matrix and obtain new functional materials. Up to now, few parameters have been taken into account to evaluate the efficiency […]

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