DUET: A Tuning-Free Device-Cloud Collaborative Parameters Generation Framework for Efficient Device Model Generalization

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Zheqi Lv, Wenqiao Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Kun Kuang, Feng Wang | Summary: Device Model Generalization (DMG) is a practical yet under-investigated research topic for on-device machine learning applications. It aims to improve the generalization ability of pre-trained models when deployed on resource-constrained devices, such as improving the […]

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DUET: A Tuning-Free Device-Cloud Collaborative Parameters Generation Framework for Efficient Device Model Generalization

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Zheqi Lv, Wenqiao Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Kun Kuang, Feng Wang | Summary: Device Model Generalization (DMG) is a practical yet under-investigated research topic for on-device machine learning applications. It aims to improve the generalization ability of pre-trained models when deployed on resource-constrained devices, such as improving the […]

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Switchable moiré potentials in ferroelectric WTe2/WSe2 superlattices

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Kaifei Kang, Wenjin Zhao, Yihang Zeng, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Moir’e materials, with superlattice periodicity many times the atomic length scale, have enabled the studies of strong electronic correlations and band topology with unprecedented tunability. However, nonvolatile control of the moir’e potentials, which could allow […]

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Platform-agnostic waveguide integration of high-speed photodetectors with evaporated tellurium thin films

Kavli Affiliate: Ali Javey | First 5 Authors: Geun Ho Ahn, Alexander D. White, Hyungjin Kim, Naoki Higashitarumizu, Felix M. Mayor | Summary: Many attractive photonics platforms still lack integrated photodetectors due to inherent material incompatibilities and lack of process scalability, preventing their widespread deployment. Here we address the problem of scalably integrating photodetectors in […]

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Quantum precision limits of displacement noise free interferometers

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Tuvia Gefen, Rajashik Tarafder, Rana X. Adhikari, Yanbei Chen, | Summary: Current laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors suffer from a fundamental limit to their precision due to the displacement noise of optical elements contributed by various sources. Several schemes for Displacement-Noise Free Interferometers (DFI) have been proposed […]

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High-throughput optical absorption spectra for inorganic semiconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Ruo Xi Yang, Matthew K. Horton, Jason Munro, Kristin A. Persson, | Summary: An optical absorption spectrum constitutes one of the most fundamental material characteristics, with relevant applications ranging from material identification to energy harvesting and optoelectronics. However, the database of both experimental and computational spectra […]

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Experimental Investigation of Drain Noise in High Electron Mobility Transistors: Thermal and Hot Electron Noise

Kavli Affiliate: Austin J. Minnich | First 5 Authors: Bekari Gabritchidze, Kieran A. Cleary, Anthony C. Readhead, Austin J. Minnich, | Summary: We report the on-wafer characterization of $S$-parameters and microwave noise temperature ($T_{50}$) of discrete metamorphic InGaAs high electron mobility transistors (mHEMTs) at 40 K and 300 K and over a range of drain-source […]

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Experimental Investigation of Drain Noise in High Electron Mobility Transistors: Thermal and Hot Electron Noise

Kavli Affiliate: Austin J. Minnich | First 5 Authors: Bekari Gabritchidze, Kieran A. Cleary, Anthony C. Readhead, Austin J. Minnich, | Summary: We report the on-wafer characterization of $S$-parameters and microwave noise temperature ($T_{50}$) of discrete metamorphic InGaAs high electron mobility transistors (mHEMTs) at 40 K and 300 K and over a range of drain-source […]

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Single-Molecule Structure and Topology of Kinetoplast DNA Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Cees Dekker | First 5 Authors: Pinyao He, Allard J. Katan, Luca Tubiana, Cees Dekker, Davide Michieletto | Summary: The Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) is a two-dimensional Olympic-ring-like network of mutually linked 2.5 kb-long DNA minicircles found in certain parasites called Trypanosomes. Understanding the self-assembly and replication of this structure are not only major […]

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Quantum nondemolition measurements with optical parametric amplifiers for ultrafast universal quantum information processing

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Ryotatsu Yanagimoto, Rajveer Nehra, Ryan Hamerly, Edwin Ng, Alireza Marandi | Summary: Realization of a room-temperature ultra-fast photon-number-resolving (PNR) quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement would have significant implications for photonic quantum information processing (QIP), enabling, e.g., deterministic quantum computation in discrete-variable architectures, but the requirement for strong coupling […]

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