Nonlinear waves at the free surface of flexible mechanical metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Katia Bertoldi | First 5 Authors: Bolei Deng, Hang Shu, Jian Li, Chengyang Mo, Jordan R. Raney | Summary: In this letter we investigate the propagation of nonlinear pulses along the free surface of flexible metamaterials based on the rotating squares mechanism. While these metamaterials have previously been shown to support the propagation […]

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Beating ringdowns of near-degenerate mechanical resonances

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: Matthijs H. J. de Jong, Andrea Cupertino, Dongil Shin, Simon Gröblacher, Farbod Alijani | Summary: Mechanical resonators that possess coupled modes with harmonic frequency relations have recently sparked interest due to their suitability for controllable energy transfer and non-Hermitian dynamics. Here, we show coupling between high Q-factor […]

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Electrostatic control of the proximity effect in the bulk of semiconductor-superconductor hybrids

Kavli Affiliate: L. P. Kouwenhoven | First 5 Authors: N. van Loo, G. P. Mazur, T. Dvir, G. Wang, R. C. Dekker | Summary: The proximity effect in semiconductor-superconductor nanowires is expected to generate an induced gap in the semiconductor. The magnitude of this induced gap, together with the semiconductor properties like the spin-orbit coupling […]

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Electrostatic control of the proximity effect in the bulk of semiconductor-superconductor hybrids

Kavli Affiliate: L. P. Kouwenhoven | First 5 Authors: N. van Loo, G. P. Mazur, T. Dvir, G. Wang, R. C. Dekker | Summary: The proximity effect in semiconductor-superconductor nanowires is expected to generate an induced gap in the semiconductor. The magnitude of this induced gap, together with the semiconductor properties like the spin-orbit coupling […]

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A Multi-Qubit Quantum Gate Using the Zeno Effect

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Philippe Lewalle, Leigh S. Martin, Emmanuel Flurin, Song Zhang, Eliya Blumenthal | Summary: The Zeno effect, in which repeated observation freezes the dynamics of a quantum system, stands as an iconic oddity of quantum mechanics. When a measurement is unable to distinguish between states in a subspace, […]

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A Multi-Qubit Quantum Gate Using the Zeno Effect

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Philippe Lewalle, Leigh S. Martin, Emmanuel Flurin, Song Zhang, Eliya Blumenthal | Summary: The Zeno effect, in which repeated observation freezes the dynamics of a quantum system, stands as an iconic oddity of quantum mechanics. When a measurement is unable to distinguish between states in a subspace, […]

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Triplet Cooper pair splitting in a two-dimensional electron gas

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami | First 5 Authors: Qingzhen Wang, Sebastiaan L. D. ten Haaf, Ivan Kulesh, Di Xiao, Candice Thomas | Summary: Cooper pairs occupy the ground state of typical s-wave superconductors and are composed of maximally entangled electrons with opposite spin. In order to study the spin and entanglement properties of these electrons, […]

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Triplet correlations in Cooper pair splitters realized in a two-dimensional electron gas

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami | First 5 Authors: Qingzhen Wang, Sebastiaan L. D. ten Haaf, Ivan Kulesh, Di Xiao, Candice Thomas | Summary: Cooper pairs occupy the ground state of superconductors and are typically composed of maximally entangled electrons with opposite spin. In order to study the spin and entanglement properties of these electrons, one […]

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Triplet correlations in Cooper pair splitters realized in a two-dimensional electron gas

Kavli Affiliate: Srijit Goswami | First 5 Authors: Qingzhen Wang, Sebastiaan L. D. ten Haaf, Ivan Kulesh, Di Xiao, Candice Thomas | Summary: Cooper pairs occupy the ground state of superconductors and are typically composed of maximally entangled electrons with opposite spin. In order to study the spin and entanglement properties of these electrons, one […]

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FIXED: Frustratingly Easy Domain Generalization with Mixup

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Wang Lu, Jindong Wang, Han Yu, Lei Huang, Xiang Zhang | Summary: Domain generalization (DG) aims to learn a generalizable model from multiple training domains such that it can perform well on unseen target domains. A popular strategy is to augment training data to benefit generalization through […]

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