Organizational culture and the usage of Industry 4.0 technologies: evidence from Swiss businesses

Kavli Affiliate: Johannes Lehmann | First 5 Authors: Simon Alexander Wiese, Johannes Lehmann, Michael Beckmann, , | Summary: Using novel establishment-level observational data from Switzerland, we empirically examine whether the usage of key technologies of Industry 4.0 distinguishes across firms with different types of organizational culture. Based on the Technology-Organization-Environment and the Competing Values framework, […]

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Entropy as a Design Principle in the Photosystem II Supercomplex

Kavli Affiliate: Graham R. Fleming | First 5 Authors: Johanna L. Hall, Shiun-Jr Yang, David T. Limmer, Graham R. Fleming, | Summary: Photosystem II (PSII) can achieve near-unity quantum efficiency of light harvesting in ideal conditions and can dissipate excess light energy as heat to prevent formation of reactive oxygen species under light stress. Understanding […]

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Entropy as a Design Principle in the Photosystem II Supercomplex

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Johanna L. Hall, Shiun-Jr Yang, David T. Limmer, Graham R. Fleming, | Summary: Photosystem II (PSII) can achieve near-unity quantum efficiency of light harvesting in ideal conditions and can dissipate excess light energy as heat to prevent formation of reactive oxygen species under light stress. Understanding […]

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Data-Driven Modeling for On-Demand Flow Prescription in Fan-Array Wind Tunnels

Kavli Affiliate: Morteza Gharib | First 5 Authors: Alejandro A. Stefan-Zavala, Isabel Scherl, Ioannis Mandralis, Steven L. Brunton, Morteza Gharib | Summary: Fan-array wind tunnels are an emerging technology to design bespoke wind fields through grids of individually controllable fans. This design is especially suited for the turbulent, dynamic, non-uniform flow conditions found close to […]

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Molecular tuning of excitons and polarization anisotropy in hybrid bilayer crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Tomojit Chowdhury, Aurélie Champagne, Fauzia Mujid, Patrick Knüppel, Zehra Naqvi | Summary: Bilayer crystals, built from monolayers of two-dimensional (2D) crystals with different lattice orientations, generate interlayer potentials leading to unique excitonic properties. However, the ability to tune the interlayer potential is limited by the fixed […]

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Molecular tuning of excitons in four-atom-thick hybrid bilayer crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Tomojit Chowdhury, Aurélie Champagne, Patrick Knüppel, Zehra Naqvi, Mengyu Gao | Summary: Bilayer crystals, formed by stacking monolayers of two-dimensional (2D) crystals, create interlayer potentials that govern excitonic phenomena but are constrained by their fixed covalent lattices. Replacing one layer with an atomically thin molecular crystal […]

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Molecular tuning of excitons in four-atom-thick hybrid bilayer crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Tomojit Chowdhury, Aurélie Champagne, Patrick Knüppel, Zehra Naqvi, Mengyu Gao | Summary: Bilayer crystals, formed by stacking monolayers of two-dimensional (2D) crystals, create interlayer potentials that govern excitonic phenomena but are constrained by their fixed covalent lattices. Replacing one layer with an atomically thin molecular crystal […]

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Floquet-Thermalization via Instantons near Dynamical Freezing

Kavli Affiliate: Debanjan Chowdhury | First 5 Authors: Rohit Mukherjee, Haoyu Guo, Debanjan Chowdhury, , | Summary: Periodically driven Floquet quantum many-body systems have revealed new insights into the rich interplay of thermalization, and growth of entanglement. The phenomenology of dynamical freezing, whereby a translationally invariant many-body system exhibits emergent conservation laws and a slow […]

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T-GMSI: A transformer-based generative model for spatial interpolation under sparse measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Xiangxi Tian, Jie Shan, , , | Summary: Generating continuous environmental models from sparsely sampled data is a critical challenge in spatial modeling, particularly for topography. Traditional spatial interpolation methods often struggle with handling sparse measurements. To address this, we propose a Transformer-based Generative Model for Spatial […]

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Low two-level-system noise in hydrogenated amorphous silicon

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil R. Golwala | First 5 Authors: Fabien Defrance, Andrew D. Beyer, Jordan Wheeler, Jack Sayers, Sunil R. Golwala | Summary: At sub-Kelvin temperatures, two-level systems (TLS) present in amorphous dielectrics source a permittivity noise, degrading the performance of a wide range of devices using superconductive resonators such as qubits or kinetic inductance […]

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