Universal scaling of shear thickening transitions

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Meera Ramaswamy, Itay Griniasty, Danilo B. Liarte, Abhishek Shetty, Eleni Katifori | Summary: Nearly all dense suspensions undergo dramatic and abrupt thickening transitions in their flow behavior when sheared at high stresses. Such transitions occur when the dominant interactions between the suspended particles shift from hydrodynamic to […]

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Universal scaling of shear thickening transitions

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Meera Ramaswamy, Itay Griniasty, Danilo B. Liarte, Abhishek Shetty, Eleni Katifori | Summary: Nearly all dense suspensions undergo dramatic and abrupt thickening transitions in their flow behaviour when sheared at high stresses. Such transitions occur when the dominant interactions between the suspended particles shift from hydrodynamic to […]

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A Resolution-Adaptive 8 mm$^text{2}$ 9.98 Gb/s 39.7 pJ/b 32-Antenna All-Digital Spatial Equalizer for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO in 65nm CMOS

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Oscar Castañeda, Zachariah Boynton, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Shimin Huang, Jamie C. Ye | Summary: All-digital millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) receivers enable extreme data rates but require high power consumption. In order to reduce power consumption, this paper presents the first resolution-adaptive all-digital receiver ASIC […]

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A Resolution-Adaptive 8 mm$^text{2}$ 9.98 Gb/s 39.7 pJ/b 32-Antenna All-Digital Spatial Equalizer for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO in 65nm CMOS

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Oscar Castañeda, Zachariah Boynton, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Shimin Huang, Jamie C. Ye | Summary: All-digital millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) receivers enable extreme data rates but require high power consumption. In order to reduce power consumption, this paper presents the first resolution-adaptive all-digital receiver ASIC […]

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Resolution-Adaptive All-Digital Spatial Equalization for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Oscar Castañeda, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Shahaboddin Ghajari, Alyosha Molnar, Sven Jacobsson | Summary: All-digital basestation (BS) architectures for millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO), which equip each radio-frequency chain with dedicated data converters, have advantages in spectral efficiency, flexibility, and baseband-processing simplicity over hybrid analog-digital solutions. […]

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Resolution-Adaptive All-Digital Spatial Equalization for mmWave Massive MU-MIMO

Kavli Affiliate: Alyosha Molnar | First 5 Authors: Oscar Castañeda, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Shahaboddin Ghajari, Alyosha Molnar, Sven Jacobsson | Summary: All-digital basestation (BS) architectures for millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO), which equip each radio-frequency chain with dedicated data converters, have advantages in spectral efficiency, flexibility, and baseband-processing simplicity over hybrid analog-digital solutions. […]

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High conductivity Polarization-induced 2D hole gases in Undoped GaN/AlN Heterojunctions enabled by Impurity Blocking Layers

Kavli Affiliate: Grace Xing | First 5 Authors: Reet Chaudhuri, Zhen Chen, David Muller, Huili Grace Xing, Debdeep Jena | Summary: High-conductivity undoped GaN/AlN 2D hole gases (2DHGs), the p-type dual of the AlGaN/GaN 2D electron gases (2DEGs), have offered valuable insights into hole transport in GaN and enabled the first GaN GHz RF p-channel […]

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Dislocation and Indium Droplet Related Emission Inhomogeneities in InGaN LEDs

Kavli Affiliate: Grace Xing | First 5 Authors: Len van Deurzen, Mikel Gómez Ruiz, Kevin Lee, Henryk Turski, Shyam Bharadwaj | Summary: This report classifies emission inhomogeneities that manifest in InGaN quantum well blue light-emitting diodes grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on free-standing GaN substrates. By a combination of spatially resolved electroluminescence and cathodoluminescence […]

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Structural Origins of Cartilage Shear Mechanics

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Thomas Wyse Jackson, Jonathan Michel, Pancy Lwin, Lisa A. Fortier, Moumita Das | Summary: Healthy cartilage is a remarkable tissue, able to withstand tens of millions of loading cycles with minimal damage. While much is known about the structural origins of its compressive mechanics, how composition determines […]

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Nickelate superconductivity without rare-earth magnetism: (La,Sr)NiO$_{2}$

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Motoki Osada, Bai Yang Wang, Berit H. Goodge, Shannon P. Harvey, Kyuho Lee | Summary: The observation of superconductivity in infinite layer nickelate (Nd,Sr)NiO$_{2}$ thin films has led to rapid theoretical and experimental investigations of these copper-oxide-analogue systems [1-15]. Superconductivity has also been found in (Pr,Sr)NiO$_{2}$ […]

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