Brain Anatomy Prior Modeling to Forecast Clinical Progression of Cognitive Impairment with Structural MRI

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong Wang | First 5 Authors: Lintao Zhang, Jinjian Wu, Lihong Wang, Li Wang, David C. Steffens | Summary: Brain structural MRI has been widely used to assess the future progression of cognitive impairment (CI). Previous learning-based studies usually suffer from the issue of small-sized labeled training data, while there exist a huge […]

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High-coherence hybrid-integrated 780 nm source by self-injection-locked second-harmonic generation in a high-Q silicon-nitride resonator

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Bohan Li, Zhiquan Yuan, Warren Jin, Lue Wu, Joel Guo | Summary: By self-injection-locking a 1560 nm distributed feedback semiconductor laser to a high-$Q$ silicon nitride resonator, a high-coherence 780 nm second harmonic signal is generated via the photogalvanic-induced second-order nonlinearity. A record-low frequency noise floor […]

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High-coherence hybrid-integrated 780 nm source by self-injection-locked second-harmonic generation in a high-Q silicon-nitride resonator

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Bohan Li, Zhiquan Yuan, Warren Jin, Lue Wu, Joel Guo | Summary: By self-injection-locking a 1560 nm distributed feedback semiconductor laser to a high-$Q$ silicon nitride resonator, a high-coherence 780 nm second harmonic signal is generated via the photogalvanic-induced second-order nonlinearity. A record-low frequency noise floor […]

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Mode-locked laser in nanophotonic lithium niobate

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Qiushi Guo, Ryoto Sekine, James A. Williams, Benjamin K. Gutierrez, Robert M. Gray | Summary: Mode-locked lasers (MLLs) have enabled ultrafast sciences and technologies by generating ultrashort pulses with peak powers substantially exceeding their average powers. Recently, tremendous efforts have been focused on realizing integrated MLLs not […]

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Early Rumor Detection Using Neural Hawkes Process with a New Benchmark Dataset

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Fengzhu Zeng, Wei Gao, , , | Summary: Little attention has been paid on underline{EA}rly underline{R}umor underline{D}etection (EARD), and EARD performance was evaluated inappropriately on a few datasets where the actual early-stage information is largely missing. To reverse such situation, we construct BEARD, a new underline{B}enchmark dataset […]

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Early Rumor Detection Using Neural Hawkes Process with a New Benchmark Dataset

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Fengzhu Zeng, Wei Gao, , , | Summary: Little attention has been paid on underline{EA}rly underline{R}umor underline{D}etection (EARD), and EARD performance was evaluated inappropriately on a few datasets where the actual early-stage information is largely missing. To reverse such situation, we construct BEARD, a new underline{B}enchmark dataset […]

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Prompt to be Consistent is Better than Self-Consistent? Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Fact Verification with Pre-trained Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Fengzhu Zeng, Wei Gao, , , | Summary: Few-shot or zero-shot fact verification only relies on a few or no labeled training examples. In this paper, we propose a novel method called ProToCo, to underline{Pro}mpt pre-trained language models (PLMs) underline{To} be underline{Co}nsistent, for improving the factuality assessment […]

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Prompt to be Consistent is Better than Self-Consistent? Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Fact Verification with Pre-trained Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Fengzhu Zeng, Wei Gao, , , | Summary: Few-shot or zero-shot fact verification only relies on a few or no labeled training examples. In this paper, we propose a novel method called ProToCo, to underline{Pro}mpt pre-trained language models (PLMs) underline{To} be underline{Co}nsistent, for improving the factuality assessment […]

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Wafer-scale magnesium diboride thin films and devices with tunable high kinetic inductance

Kavli Affiliate: Nathan Lewis | First 5 Authors: Changsub Kim, Christina Bell, Jake Evans, Jonathan Greenfield, Nathan Lewis | Summary: Progress in superconducting device and detector technologies over the past decade have realized practical applications in quantum computers, detectors for far-IR telescopes, and optical communications. Superconducting thin film materials, however, have remained largely unchanged, with […]

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Wafer-Scale MgB2 Superconducting Devices

Kavli Affiliate: Nathan Lewis | First 5 Authors: Changsub Kim, Christina Bell, Jake Evans, Jonathan Greenfield, Emma Batson | Summary: Progress in superconducting device and detector technologies over the past decade have realized practical applications in quantum computers, detectors for far-infrared telescopes, and optical communications. Superconducting thin film materials, however, have remained largely unchanged, with […]

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