Demonstrating a long-coherence dual-rail erasure qubit using tunable transmons

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harry Levine, Arbel Haim, Jimmy S. C. Hung, Nasser Alidoust, Mahmoud Kalaee | Summary: Quantum error correction with erasure qubits promises significant advantages over standard error correction due to favorable thresholds for erasure errors. To realize this advantage in practice requires a qubit for which nearly all […]

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Demonstrating a long-coherence dual-rail erasure qubit using tunable transmons

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harry Levine, Arbel Haim, Jimmy S. C. Hung, Nasser Alidoust, Mahmoud Kalaee | Summary: Quantum error correction with erasure qubits promises significant advantages over standard error correction due to favorable thresholds for erasure errors. To realize this advantage in practice requires a qubit for which nearly all […]

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Antiadiabatic Small Polaron Formation in the Charge Transfer Insulator ErFeO3

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Ye-Jin Kim, Jocelyn L. Mendes, Young Jai Choi, Scott K. Cushing, | Summary: Small polaron formation is dominant across a range of condensed matter systems. Small polarons are usually studied in terms of ground-state transport and thermal fluctuations, but small polarons can also be created impulsively […]

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A Transparent and Nonlinear Method for Variable Selection

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong Wang | First 5 Authors: Keyao Wang, Huiwen Wang, Jichang Zhao, Lihong Wang, | Summary: Variable selection is a procedure to attain the truly important predictors from inputs. Complex nonlinear dependencies and strong coupling pose great challenges for variable selection in high-dimensional data. In addition, real-world applications have increased demands for interpretability […]

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Whole-Body Human Ultrasound Tomography

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: David C. Garrett, Jinhua Xu, Geng Ku, Lihong V. Wang, | Summary: We developed a system for whole-body human ultrasound tomography in reflection and transmission modes. A custom 512-element ultrasound receiver array with a rotating single-element ultrasound transmitter are used to generate 2D isotropically resolved images […]

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Whole-Body Human Ultrasound Tomography

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: David C. Garrett, Jinhua Xu, Geng Ku, Lihong V. Wang, | Summary: We developed a system for whole-body human ultrasound tomography in reflection and transmission modes. A custom 512-element ultrasound receiver array with a rotating single-element ultrasound transmitter are used to generate 2D isotropically resolved images […]

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Whole Cross-Sectional Human Ultrasound Tomography

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: David C. Garrett, Jinhua Xu, Yousuf Aborahama, Geng Ku, Konstantin Maslov | Summary: Ultrasonography is a vital component of modern clinical care, with handheld probes routinely used for diagnostic imaging and procedural guidance. However, handheld ultrasound imaging is limited by factors such as the partial-cross-sectional field […]

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Interferometric speckle visibility spectroscopy (iSVS) for measuring decorrelation time and dynamics of moving samples with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and relaxed reference requirements

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Yu Xi Huang, Simon Mahler, Jerome Mertz, Changhuei Yang, | Summary: Diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) is a group of techniques used to measure the dynamics of a scattering medium in a non-invasive manner. DWS methods rely on detecting the speckle light field from the moving scattering media […]

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Single-shot 3D photoacoustic computed tomography with a densely packed array for transcranial functional imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: Rui Cao, Yilin Luo, Jinhua Xu, Xiaofei Luo, Ku Geng | Summary: Photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is emerging as a new technique for functional brain imaging, primarily due to its capabilities in label-free hemodynamic imaging. Despite its potential, the transcranial application of PACT has encountered hurdles, […]

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Single-shot 3D photoacoustic computed tomography with a densely packed array for transcranial functional imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: Rui Cao, Yilin Luo, Jinhua Xu, Xiaofei Luo, Ku Geng | Summary: Photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is emerging as a new technique for functional brain imaging, primarily due to its capabilities in label-free hemodynamic imaging. Despite its potential, the transcranial application of PACT has encountered hurdles, […]

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