Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory Detailed Science Case 2024

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Warren Skidmore, Bob Kirshner, David Andersen, Gelys Trancho, Scot Kleinman | Summary: The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) International Observatory (TIO) will be a revolutionary leap forward in astronomical observing capabilities, enabling us to address some of the most profound questions about the universe. From unraveling the mysteries […]

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Serendipitous discovery of a dying Giant Radio Galaxy associated with NGC 1534, using the Murchison Widefield Array

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Goeke | First 5 Authors: Natasha Hurley-Walker, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Ron Ekers, Richard Hunstead, Elaine M. Sadler | Summary: Recent observations with the Murchison Widefield Array at 185~MHz have serendipitously unveiled a heretofore unknown giant and relatively nearby ($z = 0.0178$) radio galaxy associated with NGC,1534. The diffuse emission presented here is the […]

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GREAT3 results I: systematic errors in shear estimation and the impact of real galaxy morphology

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Rachel Mandelbaum, Barnaby Rowe, Robert Armstrong, Deborah Bard, Emmanuel Bertin | Summary: We present first results from the third GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing (GREAT3) challenge, the third in a sequence of challenges for testing methods of inferring weak gravitational lensing shear distortions from simulated galaxy images. […]

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Modeling the Expected Performance of the REgolith X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (REXIS)

Kavli Affiliate: Rebecca A. Masterson | First 5 Authors: Niraj K. Inamdar, Richard P. Binzel, Jae Sub Hong, Branden Allen, Jonathan Grindlay | Summary: OSIRIS-REx is the third spacecraft in the NASA New Frontiers Program and is planned for launch in 2016. OSIRIS-REx will orbit the near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu, characterize it, and return a […]

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Fifteen years of the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer

Kavli Affiliate: Peter G. Ford | First 5 Authors: Catherine E. Grant, Mark W. Bautz, Peter G. Ford, Paul P. Plucinsky, | Summary: As the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on the Chandra X-ray Observatory enters its fifteenth year of operation on orbit, it continues to perform well and produce spectacular scientific results. The response […]

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A framework for modeling the detailed optical response of thick, multiple segment, large format sensors for precision astronomy applications

Kavli Affiliate: Steven Kahn | First 5 Authors: Andrew Rasmussen, Pierre Antilogus, Pierre Astier, Chuck Claver, Peter Doherty | Summary: Near-future astronomical survey experiments, such as LSST, possess system requirements of unprecedented fidelity that span photometry, astrometry and shape transfer. Some of these requirements flow directly to the array of science imaging sensors at the […]

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The Heavy Photon Search Test Detector

Kavli Affiliate: Homer Neal | First 5 Authors: Marco Battaglieri, Sergey Boyarinov, Stephen Bueltmann, Volker Burkert, Andrea Celentano | Summary: The Heavy Photon Search (HPS), an experiment to search for a hidden sector photon in fixed target electroproduction, is preparing for installation at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in the Fall of 2014. […]

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Complexity Phenomena and ROMA of the Magnetospheric Cusp, Hydrodynamic Turbulence, and the Cosmic Web

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Chang | First 5 Authors: Tom Chang, Cheng-chin Wu, Marius Echim, Herve Lamy, Mark Vogelsberger | Summary: Dynamic Complexity is a phenomenon exhibited by a nonlinearly interacting system within which multitudes of different sizes of large scale coherent structures emerge, resulting in a globally nonlinear stochastic behavior vastly different from that could […]

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The Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua A. Frieman | First 5 Authors: Masao Sako, Bruce Bassett, Andrew C. Becker, Peter J. Brown, Heather Campbell | Summary: This paper describes the data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) Supernova Survey conducted between 2005 and 2007. Light curves, spectra, classifications, and ancillary data are presented for 10,258 variable […]

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