Signatures of black hole seeding in the local Universe: Predictions from the BRAHMA cosmological simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Aklant K Bhowmick, Laura Blecha, Paul Torrey, Rachel S Somerville, Luke Zoltan Kelley | Summary: The first "seeds" of supermassive black holes (BHs) continue to be an outstanding puzzle, and it is currently unclear whether the imprints of early seed formation survive today. Here we examine the […]

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Rapid Rotation of Polarization Orientations in PSR B1919+21’s Single Pulses: Implications On Pulsar’s Magnetospheric Dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: Kejia Lee | First 5 Authors: Shunshun Cao, Jinchen Jiang, Jaroslaw Dyks, Kejia Lee, Jiguang Lu | Summary: We analyse and model rapid rotations of polarization orientations in PSR B1919+21’s single pulses, based on FAST observation data. In more than one third of B1919+21’s single pulses, polarization angle (PA) is found to rotate […]

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A Short-lived Rejuvenation during the Decades-long Changing-look Transition in the Nucleus of Mrk 1018

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Kai-Xing Lu, Yan-Rong Li, Qingwen Wu, Luis C. Ho, Zhi-Xiang Zhang | Summary: Changing-look active galactic nuclei (CL-AGNs), characterized by emerging or disappearing of broad lines accompanied with extreme continuum flux variability, have drawn much attention for their potential of revealing physical processes underlying AGN evolution. […]

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Supervised Learning-enhanced Multi-Group Actor Critic for Live Stream Allocation in Feed

Kavli Affiliate: Li Xin Li | First 5 Authors: Jingxin Liu, Xiang Gao, Yisha Li, Xin Li, Haiyang Lu | Summary: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been widely applied in recommendation systems to capture long-term user engagement, thus improving dwelling time and improving user retention. In the context of a short video & live stream mixed […]

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A Trade-Off Between Path Entanglement and Quantum Sensitivity

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Benjamin Lou, Hudson A. Loughlin, Nergis Mavalvala, , | Summary: Entanglement often increases quantum measurement schemes’ sensitivity. However, we find that in precision measurements with zero-mean Gaussian states, such as squeezed states, entanglement between different paths degrades measurement sensitivity. We prove an inverse relationship between entanglement entropy […]

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The Higgs-Amplitude mode in the optical conductivity in the presence of a supercurrent: Gauge invariant forumulation

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Rufus Boyack, K. Levin, , | Summary: Observing the amplitude-Higgs mode in superconductors has been a central challenge in condensed matter physics. Unlike the phase mode in the electromagnetic (EM) response, the amplitude mode is not needed to satisfy gauge invariance. Indeed, it couples to […]

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The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). VII. The 20-214 $μ$m imaging atlas of active galactic nuclei using SOFIA

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Lindsay Fuller, Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Ismael Garcia-Bernete, Cristina Ramos Almeida, Almudena Alonso-Herrero | Summary: We present a 19.7 – 214 $mu$m imaging atlas of local (4 – 181 Mpc; median 43 Mpc) active galactic nuclei (AGN) observed with FORCAST and HAWC+ on board the SOFIA telescope with angular […]

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A giant planet transiting a 3-Myr protostar with a misaligned disk

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Madyson G. Barber, Andrew W. Mann, Andrew Vanderburg, Daniel Krolikowski, Adam Kraus | Summary: Astronomers have found more than a dozen planets transiting 10-40 million year old stars, but even younger transiting planets have remained elusive. A possible reason for the lack of such discoveries is that […]

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Intrinsic Quantum Mpemba Effect in Markovian Systems and Quantum Circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Dongheng Qian, Huan Wang, Jing Wang, , | Summary: The quantum Mpemba effect (QME) describes the counterintuitive phenomenon in which a system farther from equilibrium reaches steady state faster than one closer to equilibrium. However, ambiguity in defining a suitable distance measure between quantum states has led […]

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Intrinsic Quantum Mpemba Effect in Markovian Systems and Quantum Circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Dongheng Qian, Huan Wang, Jing Wang, , | Summary: The quantum Mpemba effect (QME) describes the counterintuitive phenomenon in which a system farther from equilibrium reaches steady state faster than one closer to equilibrium. However, ambiguity in defining a suitable distance measure between quantum states has led […]

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