The Visual Survey Group: A Decade of Hunting Exoplanets and Unusual Stellar Events with Space-Based Telescopes

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew M. Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Martti H. K. Kristiansen, Saul A. Rappaport, Andrew M. Vanderburg, Thomas L. Jacobs, Hans Martin Schwengeler | Summary: This article presents the history of the Visual Survey Group (VSG) – a Professional-Amateur (Pro-Am) collaboration within the field of astronomy working on data from several space missions […]

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The Visual Survey Group: A Decade of Hunting Exoplanets and Unusual Stellar Events with Space-Based Telescopes

Kavli Affiliate: Saul A. Rappaport | First 5 Authors: Martti H. K. Kristiansen, Saul A. Rappaport, Andrew M. Vanderburg, Thomas L. Jacobs, Hans Martin Schwengeler | Summary: This article presents the history of the Visual Survey Group (VSG) – a Professional-Amateur (Pro-Am) collaboration within the field of astronomy working on data from several space missions […]

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The initial conditions for young massive cluster formation in the Galactic Centre: convergence of large-scale gas flows

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Bethan A. Williams, Daniel L. Walker, Steven N. Longmore, A. T. Barnes, Cara Battersby | Summary: Young massive clusters (YMCs) are compact ($lesssim$1 pc), high-mass (>10${}^4$ M${}_{odot}$) stellar systems of significant scientific interest. Due to their rarity and rapid formation, we have very few examples of […]

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Multiple-Photon Resonance Enabled Quantum Interference in Emission Spectroscopy of N_2^+

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Qi Lu, Yalei Zhu, Jing Zhao, Rostyslav Danylo | Summary: Quantum interference occurs frequently in the interaction of laser radiation with materials, leading to a series of fascinating effects such as lasing without inversion, electromagnetically induced transparency, Fano resonance, etc. Such quantum interference effects are […]

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Exciton density waves in Coulomb-coupled dual moiré lattices

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Yihang Zeng, Zhengchao Xia, Roei Dery, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Strongly correlated bosons in a lattice are a platform to realize rich bosonic states of matter and quantum phase transitions. While strongly correlated bosons in a lattice have been studied in cold-atom experiments, their realization […]

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Brillouin Backaction Thermometry for Modal Temperature Control

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Yu-Hung Lai, Zhiquan Yuan, Myoung-Gyun Suh, Yu-Kun Lu, Heming Wang | Summary: Stimulated Brillouin scattering provides optical gain for efficient and narrow-linewidth lasers in high-Q microresonator systems. However, the thermal dependence of the Brillouin process, as well as the microresonator, impose strict temperature control requirements for […]

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Flexible perceptual encoding by discrete gamma events

Kavli Affiliate: Jessica Cardin | Authors: Quentin Perrenoud, Antonio H. de O. Fonseca, Austin Airhart, James Bonanno, Rong Mao and Jessica A Cardin | Summary: Although behaviorally relevant patterns of neocortical activity in specific frequency bands have been broadly characterized, identifying individual underlying network events remains a key challenge in understanding information processing in cortical […]

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Astrocytic Gi-GPCR activation enhances stimulus-evoked extracellular glutamate

Kavli Affiliate: Kira Poskanzer | Authors: Kira Poskanzer, Trisha V Vaidyanathan, Vincent Tse and Esther M Lim | Summary: Astrocytes perform critical functions in the nervous system, many of which are dependent on neurotransmitter-sensing through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). However, whether specific astrocytic outputs follow specific GPCR activity remains unclear, and exploring this question is […]

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