Experimentally ruling out joint reality based on operational completeness

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Qiuxin Zhang, Yu Xiang, Xiaoting Gao, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang | Summary: Whether the observables of a physical system admit real values is of fundamental importance to a deep understanding of nature. In this work, we report a device-independent experiment to confirm that the joint reality of […]

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A Search for Low-mass Dark Matter via Bremsstrahlung Radiation and the Migdal Effect in SuperCDMS

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Brink | First 5 Authors: SuperCDMS Collaboration, Musaab Al-Bakry, Imran Alkhatib, Dorian Praia do Amaral, Taylor Aralis | Summary: In this paper, we present a re-analysis of SuperCDMS data using a profile likelihood approach to search for sub-GeV dark matter particles (DM) through two inelastic scattering channels: bremsstrahlung radiation and the Migdal […]

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New physics from the polarised light of the cosmic microwave background

Kavli Affiliate: Eiichiro Komatsu | First 5 Authors: Eiichiro Komatsu, , , , | Summary: Cosmology requires new physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles and fields. What is the fundamental physics behind dark matter and dark energy? What generated the initial fluctuations in the early Universe? Polarised light of the cosmic microwave background […]

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Fault-Tolerant Neural Networks from Biological Error Correction Codes

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Alexander Zlokapa, Andrew K. Tan, John M. Martyn, Ila R. Fiete, Max Tegmark | Summary: It has been an open question in deep learning if fault-tolerant computation is possible: can arbitrarily reliable computation be achieved using only unreliable neurons? In the grid cells of the mammalian cortex, […]

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Incorporating galaxy cluster triaxiality in stacked cluster weak lensing analyses

Kavli Affiliate: Eli Rykoff | First 5 Authors: Zhuowen Zhang, Hao-Yi Wu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Joshua Frieman, Chun-Hao To | Summary: Counts of galaxy clusters offer a high-precision probe of cosmology, but control of systematic errors will determine the accuracy of this measurement. Using Buzzard simulations, we quantify one such systematic, the triaxiality distribution of clusters […]

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Extracting high-order cosmological information in galaxy surveys with power spectra

Kavli Affiliate: Chiaki Hikage | First 5 Authors: Yuting Wang, Gong-Bo Zhao, Kazuya Koyama, Will J. Percival, Ryuichi Takahashi | Summary: The reconstruction method was proposed more than a decade ago to boost the signal of baryonic acoustic oscillations measured in galaxy redshift surveys, which is one of key probes for dark energy. After moving […]

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Tube-Balloon Logic for the Exploration of Fluidic Control Elements

Kavli Affiliate: George M. Whitesides | First 5 Authors: Jovanna A. Tracz, Lukas Wille, Dylan Pathiraja, Savita V. Kendre, Ron Pfisterer | Summary: The control of pneumatically driven soft robots typically requires electronics. Microcontrollers are connected to power electronics that switch valves and pumps on and off. As a recent alternative, fluidic control methods have […]

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