BLAST: A Wafer-scale Transfer Process for Heterogeneous Integration of Optics and Electronics

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. McEuen | First 5 Authors: Yanxin Ji, Alejandro J. Cortese, Conrad L. Smart, Alyosha C. Molnar, Paul L. McEuen | Summary: We present a general transfer method for the heterogeneous integration of different photonic and electronic materials systems and devices onto a single substrate. Called BLAST, for Bond, Lift, Align, and […]

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Detecting Solar System Analogs through Joint Radial Velocity/Astrometric Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel | First 5 Authors: Daniel A. Yahalomi, Ruth Angus, David N. Spergel, Daniel Foreman-Mackey, | Summary: Earth-mass exoplanets on year-long orbits and cool gas giants (CGG) on decade-long orbits lie at the edge of current detection limits. The Terra Hunting Experiment (THE) will take nightly radial velocity (RV) observations on […]

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Chiral spin liquid in a $mathbb{Z}_3$ Kitaev model

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Li-Mei Chen, Tyler D. Ellison, Meng Cheng, Peng Ye, Ji-Yao Chen | Summary: We study a $mathbb{Z}_3$ Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice with nearest neighbor interactions. Based on matrix product state simulations and symmetry considerations, we find evidence that, with ferromagnetic isotropic couplings, the model realizes […]

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Chiral spin liquid in a $mathbb{Z}_3$ Kitaev model

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Li-Mei Chen, Tyler D. Ellison, Meng Cheng, Peng Ye, Ji-Yao Chen | Summary: We study a $mathbb{Z}_3$ Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice with nearest neighbor interactions. Based on matrix product state simulations and symmetry considerations, we find evidence that, with ferromagnetic isotropic couplings, the model realizes […]

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Stochastic gravitational wave background from supernovae in massive scalar-tensor gravity

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Roxana Rosca-Mead, Michalis Agathos, Christopher J. Moore, Ulrich Sperhake, | Summary: In massive scalar-tensor gravity, core-collapse supernovae are strong sources of scalar-polarized gravitational waves. These can be detectable out to large distance. The dispersive nature of the propagation of waves in the massive scalar field mean the […]

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Modeling the Galaxy Distribution in Clusters using Halo Cores

Kavli Affiliate: Lindsey Bleem | First 5 Authors: Danila Korytov, Esteban Rangel, Lindsey Bleem, Nicholas Frontiere, Salman Habib | Summary: The galaxy distribution in dark matter-dominated halos is expected to approximately trace the details of the underlying dark matter substructure. In this paper we introduce halo `core-tracking’ as a way to efficiently follow the small-scale […]

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Semantic-Guided Generative Image Augmentation Method with Diffusion Models for Image Classification

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Bohan Li, Xiao Xu, Xinghao Wang, Yutai Hou, Yunlong Feng | Summary: Existing image augmentation methods consist of two categories: perturbation-based methods and generative methods. Perturbation-based methods apply pre-defined perturbations to augment an original image, but only locally vary the image, thus lacking image diversity. In contrast, […]

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Smooth, homogeneous, high-purity Nb3Sn superconducting RF resonant cavity by seed-free electrochemical synthesis

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Zeming Sun, Zhaslan Baraissov, Ryan D. Porter, Liana Shpani, Yu-Tsun Shao | Summary: Workbench-size particle accelerators, enabled by Nb3Sn-based superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities, hold the potential of driving scientific discovery by offering a widely accessible and affordable source of high-energy electrons and X-rays. Thin-film Nb3Sn RF […]

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DESI z >~ 5 Quasar Survey. I. A First Sample of 400 New Quasars at z ~ 4.7-6.6

Kavli Affiliate: Risa Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Ansh Gupta, Adam Myers, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille | Summary: We report the first results of a high-redshift ($z$ >~ 5) quasar survey using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). As a DESI secondary target program, this survey is designed to carry out a systematic […]

Continue.. DESI z >~ 5 Quasar Survey. I. A First Sample of 400 New Quasars at z ~ 4.7-6.6