Investigating egocentric tuning in hippocampal CA1 neurons using simulated data

Kavli Affiliate: Edvard Moser & May-Britt Moser | Authors: Jordan Carpenter, Jan Sigurd Blackstad, David Tingley, Valentin A. Normand, Edvard I. Moser, May-Britt Moser and Benjamin A. Dunn | Summary: Navigation requires integrating sensory information with a stable schema to create a dynamic map of an animal’s position using egocentric and allocentric coordinate systems. In […]

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Microbiota-dependent early life programming of gastrointestinal motility

Kavli Affiliate: David Linden | Authors: Mary E Frith, Purna C Kashyap, David R Linden, Betty Theriault and Eugene B Chang | Summary: Gastrointestinal microbes modulate peristalsis and stimulate the enteric nervous system (ENS), whose development, as in the central nervous system (CNS), continues into the murine postweaning period. Given that adult CNS function depends […]

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Bridging the Sim-to-Real Gap with Dynamic Compliance Tuning for Industrial Insertion

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Hui Li, , | Summary: Contact-rich manipulation tasks often exhibit a large sim-to-real gap. For instance, industrial assembly tasks frequently involve tight insertions where the clearance is less than 0.1 mm and can even be negative when dealing with a deformable receptacle. This […]

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Bridging the Sim-to-Real Gap with Dynamic Compliance Tuning for Industrial Insertion

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Hui Li, , | Summary: Contact-rich manipulation tasks often exhibit a large sim-to-real gap. For instance, industrial assembly tasks frequently involve tight insertions where the clearance is less than (0.1) mm and can even be negative when dealing with a deformable receptacle. This […]

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The galaxies missed by Hubble and ALMA: the contribution of extremely red galaxies to the cosmic census at 3<z<8

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Christina C. Williams, Stacey Alberts, Zhiyuan Ji, Kevin N. Hainline, Jianwei Lyu | Summary: Using deep JWST imaging from JADES, JEMS and SMILES, we characterize optically-faint and extremely red galaxies at $z>3$ that were previously missing from galaxy census estimates. The data indicate the existence of abundant, […]

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A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Philip Holloway, Philip J. Marshall, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Raoul Cañameras | Summary: The arrival of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Euclid-Wide and Roman wide area sensitive surveys will herald a new era in strong lens science in which […]

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A Bayesian Approach to Strong Lens Finding in the Era of Wide-area Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Philip Holloway, Philip J. Marshall, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Raoul Cañameras | Summary: The arrival of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Euclid-Wide and Roman wide area sensitive surveys will herald a new era in strong lens science in which […]

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First Measurement of $R(X_{τ/ell})$ as an Inclusive Test of the $b to c τν$ Anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: We measure the tau-to-light-lepton ratio of inclusive $B$-meson branching fractions $R(X_{tau/ell}) equiv mathcal{B}(Bto X tau nu)/mathcal{B}(B to X ell nu)$, where $ell$ indicates an electron or muon, and thereby test the universality of charged-current […]

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First measurement of $R(X_{τ/ell})$ as an inclusive test of the $b to c τν$ anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: We measure the tau-to-light-lepton ratio of inclusive $B$-meson branching fractions $R(X_{tau/ell}) equiv mathcal{B}(Bto X tau nu)/mathcal{B}(B to X ell nu)$, where $ell$ indicates an electron or muon, and thereby test the universality of charged-current […]

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Neural General Circulation Models for Weather and Climate

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Dmitrii Kochkov, Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Jamie Smith | Summary: General circulation models (GCMs) are the foundation of weather and climate prediction. GCMs are physics-based simulators which combine a numerical solver for large-scale dynamics with tuned representations for small-scale processes such as cloud formation. […]

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