Measurement of cesium $8P_{J}{rightarrow}$ $6P_{J’}$ electric quadrupole transition probabilities using fluorescence spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Jing Wang, Yuki Miyamoto, Hideaki Hara, Minoru Tanaka, Motomichi Tashiro | Summary: Fluorescence spectra of the $8P_{J}{rightarrow}$ $6P_{J’}$ ($J$ and $J’$ = 3/2, 1/2) electric quadrupole transition of cesium atoms have been observed with a heated cesium vapor cell. We determined the ratio of the transition probabilities […]

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Phylogeny of neocortical-hippocampal projections provides insight in the nature of human memory

Kavli Affiliate: Menno Witter | Authors: Daniel Reznik, Piotr Majka, Marcello GP Rosa, Menno P Witter and Christian F Doeller; | Summary: Throughout mammalian evolution, the hippocampal region, unlike the neocortex, largely preserved its cytoarchitectural organization and its role in mnemonic functions. This contrast raises the possibility that the hippocampal region receives different types of […]

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An unbiased method to partition diverse neuronal responses into functional ensembles reveals interpretable population dynamics during innate social behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Kay Tye | Authors: Alexander Lin, Cyril Akafia, Olga Dal Monte, Siqi Fan, Nicholas Fagan, Philip Putnam, Kay M. Tye, Steve Chang, Demba Ba and AZA Stephen Allsop; | Summary: In neuroscience, understanding how single-neuron firing contributes to distributed neural ensembles is crucial. Traditional methods of analysis have been limited to descriptions of […]

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Structure of the Flotillin Complex in a Native Membrane Environment

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: Ziao Fu and Roderick MacKinnon; | Summary: In this study we used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structures of the Flotillin protein complex, part of the Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C (SPFH) superfamily, from cell-derived vesicles without detergents. It forms a right-handed helical barrel consisting of 22 pairs of […]

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A mismatch between striatal cholinergic pauses and dopaminergic reward prediction errors

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Berke | Authors: Mariana Duhne, Ali Mohebi, Kyoungjun Kim, Lilian Pelattini and Joshua D. Berke; | Summary: Movement, motivation and reward-related learning depend strongly on striatal dopamine and acetylcholine. These neuromodulators each regulate the other, and disturbances to their coordinated signals contribute to human disorders ranging from Parkinson’s Disease to depression and […]

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Narrow-Path, Dynamic Walking Using Integrated Posture Manipulation and Thrust Vectoring

Kavli Affiliate: Morteza Gharib | First 5 Authors: Kaushik Venkatesh Krishnamurthy, Chenghao Wang, Shreyansh Pitroda, Adarsh Salagame, Eric Sihite | Summary: This research concentrates on enhancing the navigational capabilities of Northeastern Universitys Husky, a multi-modal quadrupedal robot, that can integrate posture manipulation and thrust vectoring, to traverse through narrow pathways such as walking over pipes […]

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Power-law entanglement and Hilbert space fragmentation in non-reciprocal quantum circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Kai Klocke, Joel E. Moore, Michael Buchhold, , | Summary: Quantum circuits utilizing measurement to evolve a quantum wave function offer a new and rich playground to engineer unconventional entanglement dynamics. Here we introduce a hybrid, non-reciprocal setup featuring a quantum circuit, whose updates are conditioned […]

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Effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on the kinematics of Milky Way satellites and virial mass estimate

Kavli Affiliate: Andrey Kravtsov | First 5 Authors: Andrey Kravtsov, Sophia Winney, , , | Summary: We present a study illustrating the effects of the passage of a Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) mass satellite on the distance and velocity distributions of satellites in $Lambda+$Cold Dark Matter simulations of Milky Way (MW) sized halos. In agreement […]

Continue.. Effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on the kinematics of Milky Way satellites and virial mass estimate

Anomalous properties of spark plasma sintered boron nitride solids

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Abhijit Biswas, Peter Serles, Gustavo A. Alvarez, Jesse Schimpf, Michel Hache | Summary: Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is brittle, however, its atomic-scale structural engineering can lead to unprecedented physical properties. Here we report the bulk synthesis of high-density crystalline h-BN solids by using high-temperature spark plasma sintering […]

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