EmoAttack: Utilizing Emotional Voice Conversion for Speech Backdoor Attacks on Deep Speech Classification Models

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Wenhan Yao, Zedong XingXiarun Chen, Jia Liu, yongqiang He, Weiping Wen | Summary: Deep speech classification tasks, mainly including keyword spotting and speaker verification, play a crucial role in speech-based human-computer interaction. Recently, the security of these technologies has been demonstrated to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks. […]

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Adsorption of Guanidinium Cations to the Air-Water Interface

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Franky Bernal, Amro Dodin, Constantine Kyprianou, David T. Limmer, Richard J. Saykally | Summary: Combining Deep-UV second harmonic generation spectroscopy with molecular simulations, we confirm and quantify the specific adsorption of guanidinium cations to the air-water interface. Using a Langmuir analysis and measurements at multiple concentrations, […]

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Using artificial intelligence to document the hidden RNA virosphere

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Xin Hou, Yong He, Pan Fang, Shi-Qiang Mei, Zan Xu, Wei-Chen Wu, Jun-Hua Tian, Shun Zhang, Zhen-Yu Zeng, Qin-Yu Gou, Gen-Yang Xin, Shi-Jia Le, Yin-Yue Xia, Yu-Lan Zhou, Feng-Ming Hui, Yuan-Fei Pan, John-Sebastian Eden, Zhao-Hui Yang, Chong Han, Yue-Long Shu, Deyin Guo, Jun Li, Edward C Holmes, Zhao-Rong Li […]

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Drone-assisted Road Gaussian Splatting with Cross-view Uncertainty

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Saining Zhang, Baijun Ye, Xiaoxue Chen, Yuantao Chen, Zongzheng Zhang | Summary: Robust and realistic rendering for large-scale road scenes is essential in autonomous driving simulation. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) has made groundbreaking progress in neural rendering, but the general fidelity of large-scale road scene renderings […]

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Why are optical coronal lines faint in active galactic nuclei?

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Jeffrey D. McKaig, Shobita Satyapal, Ari Laor, Nicholas P. Abel, Sara M. Doan | Summary: Forbidden collisionally excited optical atomic transitions from high ionization potential (IP$geq$54.8,eV) ions, such as Ca$^{mathrm{4+}}$, Ne$^{mathrm{4+}}$, Fe$^{mathrm{6+}}$, Fe$^{mathrm{10+}}$, Fe$^{mathrm{13+}}$, Ar$^{mathrm{9+}}$, and S$^{mathrm{11+}}$, are known as optical coronal lines (CLs). The spectral energy […]

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The Fluorescence Camera of the POEMMA-Balloon with Radio (PBR): Design and Scientific goals

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Olinto | First 5 Authors: Matteo Battisti, Johannes Eser, George Filippatos, Angela Olinto, Giuseppe Osteria | Summary: The POEMMA-Balloon with Radio (PBR) is a proposed payload to fly on a NASA Super Pressure Balloon (SPB). It will act as a pathfinder of the Probe Of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA) detector. PBR will […]

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Detecting AI Flaws: Target-Driven Attacks on Internal Faults in Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Yuhao Du, Zhuo Li, Pengyu Cheng, Xiang Wan, Anningzhe Gao | Summary: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become a focal point in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. However, a critical concern is the presence of toxic content within the pre-training corpus of these models, which […]

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Electron ptychography reveals a ferroelectricity dominated by anion displacements

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Harikrishnan K. P., Ruijuan Xu, Kinnary Patel, Kevin J. Crust, Aarushi Khandelwal | Summary: Sodium niobate, a lead-free ferroic material, hosts delicately-balanced, competing order parameters, including ferroelectric states that can be stabilized by epitaxial strain. Here, we show that the resulting macroscopic ferroelectricity exhibits an unconventional […]

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