Exploring the origin of cold gas and star formation in a rare population of strongly bulge-dominated early-type Galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Fujia Li, Enci Wang, Ming Zhu, Yingjie Peng, Jing Wang | Summary: We analyze the properties of a rare population, the strongly bulge-dominated early-type galaxies (referred to as sBDEs) with significant HI gas, using the databases from the FAST All Sky HI survey (FASHI) and the Arecibo […]

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Electronic structure and optical properties of halide double perovskites from a Wannier-localized optimally-tuned screened range-separated hybrid functional

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Francisca Sagredo, Stephen E. Gant, Guy Ohad, Jonah B. Haber, Marina R. Filip | Summary: Halide double perovskites are a chemically-diverse and growing class of compound semiconductors that are promising for optoelectronic applications. However, the prediction of their fundamental gaps and optical properties with density functional […]

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Using phylogenetic summary statistics for epidemiological inference

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Nunez | Authors: Rafael C Nunez, Gregory R Hart, Michael Famulare, Christopher Lorton and Joshua T Herbeck | Summary: Since the coining of the term phylodynamics, the use of phylogenies to understand infectious disease dynamics has steadily increased. As methods for phylodynamics and genomic epidemiology have proliferated and grown more computationally expensive, […]

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Synaptic Potentiation of Engram cells is Necessary and Sufficient for Context Fear Memory

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Mayford | Authors: Leonardo M Cardozo, Andre F Sousa, Blythe C Dillingham, Westley Dang, Nicholas Job, Eun J Yoo, Sural K Ranamukhaarachchi, Qi Yuan and Mark Mayford | Summary: The nature and distribution of the synaptic changes that underlie memory are not well understood. We examined the synaptic plasticity behind context fear […]

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An enhanced Eco1 retron editor enables precision genome engineering in human cells from a single-copy integrated lentivirus

Kavli Affiliate: Charles M. Rice | Authors: Matthew A Cattle, Lauren C Aguado, Samantha Sze, Dylan Yueyang Wang, Thales Papagiannakopoulos, Susan Smith, Charles M Rice, William Matthew Schneider and John T Poirier | Summary: Retrons are a retroelement class found in diverse prokaryotes that can be adapted to augment CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering technology to efficiently […]

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JWST/NIRSpec WIDE survey: a z=4.6 low-mass star-forming galaxy hosting a jet-driven shock with low ionisation and solar metallicity

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Francesco D’Eugenio, Roberto Maiolino, Vijay H. Mahatma, Giovanni Mazzolari, Stefano Carniani | Summary: We present NIRSpec/MSA observations from the JWST large-area survey WIDE, targeting the rest-frame UV-optical spectrum of Ulema, a radio-AGN host at redshift z=4.6348. The low-resolution prism spectrum displays high equivalent width nebular emission, with […]

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Capturing Nonlinear Electron Dynamics with Fully Characterised Attosecond X-ray Pulses

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Lars Funke, Markus Ilchen, Kristina Dingel, Tommaso Mazza, Terence Mullins | Summary: Attosecond X-ray pulses are the key to studying electron dynamics at their natural timescale in specifically targeted electronic states. They promise to build the conceptual bridge between physical and chemical photo-reaction processes. Free-electron lasers (FELs) […]

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Capturing Nonlinear Electron Dynamics with Fully Characterised Attosecond X-ray Pulses

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Lars Funke, Markus Ilchen, Kristina Dingel, Tommaso Mazza, Terence Mullins | Summary: Attosecond X-ray pulses are the key to studying electron dynamics at their natural time scale involving specific electronic states. They are promising to build the conceptual bridge between physical and chemical photo-reaction processes. Free-electron lasers […]

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Mutual information fluctuations and non-stabilizerness in random circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Arash Ahmadi, Jonas Helsen, Cagan Karaca, Eliska Greplova, | Summary: The emergence of quantum technologies has brought much attention to the characterization of quantum resources as well as the classical simulatability of quantum processes. Quantum resources, as quantified by non-stabilizerness, have in one theoretical approach been linked […]

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Mutual information fluctuations and non-stabilizerness in random circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Arash Ahmadi, Jonas Helsen, Cagan Karaca, Eliska Greplova, | Summary: The emergence of quantum technologies has brought much attention to the characterization of quantum resources as well as the classical simulatability of quantum processes. Quantum resources, as quantified by non-stabilizerness, have in one theoretical approach been linked […]

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