Low Energy Backgrounds and Excess Noise in a Two-Channel Low-Threshold Calorimeter

Kavli Affiliate: Clarence L. Chang | First 5 Authors: Robin Anthony-Petersen, Clarence L. Chang, Yen-Yung Chang, Luke Chaplinsky, Caleb W. Fink | Summary: We describe observations of low energy excess (LEE) events (background events observed in all light dark matter direct detection calorimeters) and noise in a two-channel silicon athermal phonon detector with 375 meV […]

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AEOS: Star-by-Star Cosmological Simulations of Early Chemical Enrichment and Galaxy Formation

Kavli Affiliate: Alexander P. Ji | First 5 Authors: Kaley Brauer, Andrew Emerick, Jennifer Mead, Alexander P. Ji, John H. Wise | Summary: The AEOS project introduces a series of high-resolution cosmological simulations that model star-by-star chemical enrichment and galaxy formation in the early Universe, achieving 1 pc resolution. These simulations capture the complexities of […]

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Domain-Adaptive Neural Posterior Estimation for Strong Gravitational Lens Analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Brian D. Nord | First 5 Authors: Paxson Swierc, Marcos Tamargo-Arizmendi, Aleksandra Ćiprijanović, Brian D. Nord, | Summary: Modeling strong gravitational lenses is prohibitively expensive for modern and next-generation cosmic survey data. Neural posterior estimation (NPE), a simulation-based inference (SBI) approach, has been studied as an avenue for efficient analysis of strong lensing […]

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