Viral-mediated Oct4 overexpression and inhibition of Notch signaling synergistically induce neurogenic competence in mammalian Muller glia.

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Blackshaw | Authors: Nguyet Le, Sherine Awad, Isabella Palazzo, Thanh Hoang and Seth Blackshaw | Summary: Retinal Müller glia in cold-blooded vertebrates can reprogram into neurogenic progenitors to replace neurons lost to injury, but mammals lack this ability. While recent studies have shown that transgenic overexpression of neurogenic bHLH factors and glial-specific […]

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Accept-reject decision-making revealed via a quantitative and ethological study of C. elegans foraging

Kavli Affiliate: Sreekanth Chalasani | Authors: Jessica A Haley, Tianyi Chen, Mikio Aoi and Sreekanth H Chalasani | Summary: Decision-making is a ubiquitous component of animal behavior that is often studied in the context of foraging. Foragers make a series of decisions while locating food (food search), choosing between food types (diet or patch choice), […]

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Hardware-efficient quantum error correction using concatenated bosonic qubits

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Harald Putterman, Kyungjoo Noh, Connor T. Hann, Gregory S. MacCabe, Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi | Summary: In order to solve problems of practical importance, quantum computers will likely need to incorporate quantum error correction, where a logical qubit is redundantly encoded in many noisy physical qubits. The large physical-qubit […]

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Quantum resources of quantum and classical variational methods

Kavli Affiliate: Eliska Greplova | First 5 Authors: Thomas Spriggs, Arash Ahmadi, Bokai Chen, Eliska Greplova, | Summary: Variational techniques have long been at the heart of atomic, solid-state, and many-body physics. They have recently extended to quantum and classical machine learning, providing a basis for representing quantum states via neural networks. These methods generally […]

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Chiral superfluidity of helium-3 in the quasi-two-dimensional limit

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak M. Parpia | First 5 Authors: Petri J. Heikkinen, Lev V. Levitin, Xavier Rojas, Angadjit Singh, Nathan Eng | Summary: Anisotropic pair breaking close to surfaces favors chiral superfluid $^3$He-A over time-reversal invariant $^3$He-B. Confining superfluid $^3$He into a cavity of height $D$ of the order of the Cooper pair size characterized […]

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