Comparing Automated Subcortical Volume Estimation Methods; Amygdala Volumes Estimated by FSL and FreeSurfer Have Poor Consistency

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Lindquist | Authors: Patrick Sadil and Martin A Lindquist | Summary: Subcortical volumes are a promising source of biomarkers and features in biosignatures, and automated methods facilitate extracting them in large, phenotypically rich datasets. However, while extensive research has verified that the automated methods produce volumes that are similar to those generated […]

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How low can you go? Short-read polishing of Oxford Nanopore bacterial genome assemblies

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: George Bouras, Louise M Judd, Robert A Edwards, Sarah Vreugde, Timothy P. Stinear and Ryan R Wick | Summary: It is now possible to assemble near-perfect bacterial genomes using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long reads, but short-read polishing is still required for perfection. However, the effect of short-read depth […]

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Control of flow behavior in complex fluids using automatic differentiation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brenner | First 5 Authors: Mohammed Alhashim, Kaylie Hausknecht, Michael Brenner, , | Summary: Inverse design of complex flows is notoriously challenging because of the high cost of high dimensional optimization. Usually, optimization problems are either restricted to few control parameters, or adjoint-based approaches are used to convert the optimization problem into […]

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