Spike transmission failures in axons from mouse cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Yuste | Authors: Netanel Ofer, Victor Hugo Cornejo and Rafael Yuste | Summary: Abstract The propagation of action potentials along axons is traditionally considered to be reliable, as a consequence of the high safety factor of action potential propagation. However, numerical simulations have suggested that, at high frequencies, spikes could fail to […]

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Aberrant hippocampal Ca2+ micro-waves following synapsin-dependent adeno-associated viral expression of Ca2+ indicators

Kavli Affiliate: Rafael Yuste | Authors: Nicola Masala, Manuel Mittag, Eleonora Ambrad Giovannetti, Darik A O’Neil, Fabian J Distler, Peter Rupprecht, Fritjof Helmchen, Rafael Yuste, Martin Fuhrmann, Heinz Beck, Michael Wenzel and Tony Kelly | Summary: Abstract Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) such as GCaMP are invaluable tools in neuroscience to monitor neuronal activity using […]

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Ptycho-endoscopy on a lensless ultrathin fiber bundle tip

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Pengming Song, Ruihai Wang, Lars Loetgering, Jia Liu, Peter Vouras | Summary: Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) utilizes an aircraft-carried antenna to emit electromagnetic pulses and detect the returning echoes. As the aircraft travels across a designated area, it synthesizes a large virtual aperture to improve image resolution. […]

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Cell spheroid viscoelasticity is deformation-dependent

Kavli Affiliate: Gijsje H. Koenderink | First 5 Authors: Ruben C. Boot, Anouk van der Net, Christos Gogou, Pranav Mehta, Dimphna H. Meijer | Summary: Tissue surface tension influences cell sorting and tissue fusion. Earlier mechanical studies suggest that multicellular spheroids actively reinforce their surface tension with applied force. Here we study this open question […]

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Cosmological Prediction of the CSST Ultra Deep Field Type Ia Supernova Photometric Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Minglin Wang, Yan Gong, Furen Deng, Haitao Miao, Xuelei Chen | Summary: Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) as a standard candle is an ideal tool to measure cosmic distance and expansion history of the Universe. Here we investigate the SN Ia photometric measurement in the China Space […]

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Cosmological Prediction of the CSST Ultra Deep Field Type Ia Supernova Photometric Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Minglin Wang, Yan Gong, Furen Deng, Haitao Miao, Xuelei Chen | Summary: Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) as a standard candle is an ideal tool to measure cosmic distance and expansion history of the Universe. Here we investigate the SN Ia photometric measurement in the China Space […]

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The Reliability of Accretion Disk Inclination Derived from X-ray Spectroscopy of Active Galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Rong Du, Yuanze Ding, Luis C. Ho, Ruancun Li, | Summary: The inclination angle of substructures in active galaxies gives insights into physical components from scales of the vicinity of the central black hole to the entire host galaxy. We use the self-consistent reflection spectral model […]

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A compact and cost-effective laser-powered speckle visibility spectroscopy (SVS) device for measuring cerebral blood flow

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Yu Xi Huang, Simon Mahler, Maya Dickson, Aidin Abedi, Julian M. Tyszka | Summary: In the realm of cerebrovascular monitoring, primary metrics typically include blood pressure, which influences cerebral blood flow (CBF) and is contingent upon vessel radius. Measuring CBF non-invasively poses a persistent challenge, primarily attributed […]

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A compact and cost-effective laser-powered speckle visibility spectroscopy (SVS) device for measuring cerebral blood flow

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Yu Xi Huang, Simon Mahler, Maya Dickson, Aidin Abedi, Julian M. Tyszka | Summary: In the realm of cerebrovascular monitoring, primary metrics typically include blood pressure, which influences cerebral blood flow (CBF) and is contingent upon vessel radius. Measuring CBF non-invasively poses a persistent challenge, primarily attributed […]

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SAGAbg I: A Near-Unity Mass Loading Factor in Low-Mass Galaxies via their Low-Redshift Evolution in Stellar Mass, Oxygen Abundance, and Star Formation Rate

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Erin Kado-Fong, Marla Geha, Yao-Yuan Mao, Mithi A. C. de los Reyes, Risa H. Wechsler | Summary: Measuring the relation between star formation and galactic winds is observationally difficult. In this work we make an indirect measurement of the mass loading factor (the ratio between mass […]

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