Precise Masses, Ages of ~1.0 million RGB and RC stars observed by the LAMOST

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Chun Wang, Yang Huang, Yutao Zhou, Huawei Zhang, | Summary: We construct a catalogue of stellar masses and ages for 696,680 red giant branch (RGB) stars, 180,436 primary red clump (RC) stars, and 120,907 secondary RC stars selected from the LAMOST,DR8. The RGBs, primary RCs, and secondary […]

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Phonon-driven femtosecond dynamics of excitons in crystalline pentacene from first principles

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Galit Cohen, Jonah B. Haber, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Diana Y. Qiu, Sivan Refaely-Abramson | Summary: Non-radiative exciton relaxation processes are critical for energy transduction efficiencies in optoelectronic materials, but how these processes are connected to the underlying crystal structure and its associated electron, exciton, and phonon […]

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Self-Edit: Fault-Aware Code Editor for Code Generation

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Kechi Zhang, Zhuo Li, Jia Li, Ge Li, Zhi Jin | Summary: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate codes on competitive programming tasks. However, with limited sample numbers, LLMs still suffer from poor accuracy. Inspired by the process of human programming, we […]

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Self-Edit: Fault-Aware Code Editor for Code Generation

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Kechi Zhang, Zhuo Li, Jia Allen Li, Ge Li, Zhi Jin | Summary: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generate codes on competitive programming tasks. However, with limited sample numbers, LLMs still suffer from poor accuracy. Inspired by the process of human programming, […]

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ToolCoder: Teach Code Generation Models to use API search tools

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Kechi Zhang, Huangzhao Zhang, Ge Li, Jia Li, Zhuo Li | Summary: Automatically generating source code from natural language descriptions has been a growing field of research in recent years. However, current large-scale code generation models often encounter difficulties when selecting appropriate APIs for specific contexts. These […]

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ToolCoder: Teach Code Generation Models to use API search tools

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Kechi Zhang, Huangzhao Zhang, Ge Li, Jia Allen Li, Zhuo Li | Summary: Automatically generating source code from natural language descriptions has been a growing field of research in recent years. However, current large-scale code generation models often encounter difficulties when selecting appropriate APIs for specific contexts. […]

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ToolCoder: Teach Code Generation Models to use API search tools

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Kechi Zhang, Huangzhao Zhang, Ge Li, Jia Li, Zhuo Li | Summary: Automatically generating source code from natural language descriptions has been a growing field of research in recent years. However, current large-scale code generation models often encounter difficulties when selecting appropriate APIs for specific contexts. These […]

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Feasibility of Passive Sounding of Uranian Moons using Uranian Kilometric Radiation

Kavli Affiliate: Dustin M. Schroeder | First 5 Authors: Andrew Romero-Wolf, Gregor Steinbruegge, Julie Castillo-Rogez, Corey J. Cochrane, Tom A. Nordheim | Summary: We present a feasibility study for passive sounding of Uranian icy moons using Uranian Kilometric Radio (UKR) emissions in the 100 – 900 kHz band. We provide a summary description of the […]

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Sub-harmonic Entrainment of Cortical Gamma Oscillations to Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease: Model Based Predictions and Validation in Three Human Subjects

Kavli Affiliate: Philip Starr | Authors: James J. Sermon, Maria Olaru, Juan Anso, Stephanie Cernera, Simon Little, Maria Shcherbakova, Rafal Bogacz, Philip A. Starr, Timothy Denison and Benoit Duchet | Summary: Objectives The exact mechanisms of deep brain stimulation (DBS) are still an active area of investigation, in spite of its clinical successes. This is […]

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